BEg2 ch 34 coupla notes
Michael Bailey
michael.lee.bailey at
Fri Dec 9 10:54:59 UTC 2022
Where were we?
Maxine sees Windust in a finisher’s cape after the NYC Marathon.
“ But the Jewish Mother, sitting silent in the dark,
has suddenly chosen this moment to jump up, switch on the
tasteful lamp from Scully
& Scully, and blindside Maxine into yet another shameful
display of eppes-essen solicitude. For a second she hopes Windust is too
exhausted. But fitness prevails,
and he’s on his feet, and before she can think up an excuse
they are sitting in a
retro lunchwagon on Columbus”
Scully & Scully -
eppes-essen - “something to eat” implication of kindly soft-pedaling the
Windust wearing outdated
Mizuno Waves -
Giggacino - a Pynchonism; Windust drank 3
(& ate 3 bagels & a Western omelet)
“On the way home she passes the neighborhood firehouse. They’re in working
on one of
the trucks. Maxine recognizes a guy she sees all the time in
the Fairway buying huge
amounts of food. They smile and wave. Cute kid. Under different
circumstances . .. Of which as usual there are not enough. ”
She may be back with Horst but she still keeps her
eyes open.
She contrasts the firefighters with Windust:
“ If it isn’t the pay, isn’t the glory, and sometimes you don’t come back,
then what
is it? What makes these guys choose to go in, work twenty-four
hour shifts and then
keep working, keep throwing themselves into those shaky ruins,
torching through steel, bringing people to safety,
recovering parts of others, ending up sick, beat up by
nightmares, disrespected, dead?
Whatever it is, would Windust even recognize it? How far has he
journeyed from working
realities? What sanctuary has he sought, and what, if any,
She meets up with Rocky in Crumirazzi’s deli while buying turkey, after
verbally confronting a would-be line-jumper (who’s then felled by a frozen
turkey to the head, the thrower receiving applause)
“Hey, your friend from Montreal? That Felix guy with the antizapper? We’re
givin him
some bridge money, Spud Loiterman has a sixth sense, he says
“So you want to hire me now, or wait till Felix is what Bobby
Darin calls ‘beyond
the sea’?”
“Yeah, OK, he’s working a hustle, so what, I was like that once, I
can relate, and
anyway who am I to second-guess the Dean Martin of Dissonance?”
Dean Martin of Dissonance? Bobby Darin?
Maybe? Eg the cheery tune of “Mack the Knife?”
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