BEg2 ch 34 - I imagined the applause

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Sat Dec 10 08:08:20 UTC 2022

“ Shifting to indignation, “I have a houseful of children to feed—” but
he’s interrupted
            by a voice someplace over by the loading dock hollering, “Hey
asshole!” and here cannonballing
            over the heads of the crowd comes a frozen turkey, hits the
bothersome yup square
            in the head, knocking him flat and bouncing off his head into
the hands of Maxine,
            who stands blinking at it like Bette Davis at some baby with
whom she must unexpectedly
            share the frame. She hands the object to the lady behind her.
“This is yours, I guess.”

         “What, after it touched him? thanks anyway.”

         “I’ll take it,” sez the guy behind her.

         As the line creeps forward, everybody makes sure to step on, not
over, the fallen
            line jumper.”

I guess the term is “tacit approval” -

This is a further elaboration of the “radical manners pedagogy” theme first
broached in Chapter 4, with Maxine being drawn in, against her initial
inclination, to the nameless first-person shooter game Ziggy, Otis, and
Fiona are beta-testing for Justin & Lucas, a game which involves blasting
rude people with a machine gun.

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