Thanks, rich! / (np) the city and the city

Erik T. Burns eburns at
Fri Dec 16 09:12:55 UTC 2022

I read the Mieville book a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it. Maybe
he overworked the whole "two cities" thing (it seemed to go on and on and
on) but it was cleverly done and reminded me not only of Blade Runner and
other bits of the Dickiverse but also Borges (mainly because of the funny
names for things, but also the inventive languages).

I did not know there had been a series made of it for TV, will see if I
have a way of watching that.

So thanks for mentioning it!

On Fri, Dec 16, 2022 at 9:04 AM Michael Bailey <michael.lee.bailey at>

> Thanks for the compliment! I really enjoyed rereading BE much more
> thoroughly & reacting to it, hope to post up some references & thoughts
> pertaining to those concluding chapters in the next few days.
> Kind of stumbled on “The City and the City” on Britbox. Sort of a Blade
> Runner feel. Liking it so far.
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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