BEg2 ch- Who killed Traipse and WIndust

Joseph Tracy brook7 at
Sun Dec 18 16:11:40 UTC 2022

 Yea, way too much secret power and secret money flowing around with very little accounting to a government that proposes to be of, by, and for the people, but in most ways acts more like the Roman empire.  Every year at least since Reagan the Pentagon ‘loses’ billions. How the hell do you lose billions of dollars?  Have they never heard of accountants, why does no one get fired?  We don’t even know the CIA NSA budgets. FOIA requests take longer and longer and produce reams of redactions. The information on the Seth Rich lap tops has been secreted by the FBI for 66 years. WTF.   Also way too many have their hands in the various cookie jars. Does it all lead to some master control?  Is there a secret Caesar? I agree that this is highly unlikely. Some have more power than others due to their long term ‘vision’ and careful planning and organizations,   but mostly people ascend through cooperation with their part of the overall structure, or by adding some very useful tool to the managers with big pay-off.  

The discrepancy in wealth in the empire of the petro-dollar  is not just about wealth but signifies the extreme difference in real acess to knowledge and power. This system diverts,  ties up and diffuses both blame, legal accountability ,  and any attempts at organized resistance. 
  When there is a major glitch that exposes widepread criminality or challenges the system like Jeffrey Epstein or the Wikleaks material or Snowden it is made ineffective by the disinterest of the MSM who are highly cooperative with the players in the empire.

> On Dec 18, 2022, at 9:01 AM, rich <richard.romeo at> wrote:
> I think what makes BE unsettling is just who is controlling who, almost as if 9/11 was only a sideshow (like WW2 in GR), so Pynchon drops alot of clues but everyone is implicated in some way, but no one emerges as the overwhelming culprit or catalyst.
> remember the chatter in the summer of 2001 was blinking red in the intelligence community. who knows who else was privy to that. The idea any 'government' as we know it, be it the US, Israel (so if so, well, remember that story about Jews being warned not to show up for work that day, i mean seriously?) or others, even the Saudis, were behind 9/11 is asking the wrong questions. I remember Windust's claim of 'no one is that good'. 
> rich
> On Sun, Dec 18, 2022 at 5:05 AM Thomas Eckhardt via Pynchon-l <pynchon-l at <mailto:pynchon-l at>> wrote:
> Thank you, Joseph (and Michael).
> PROMIS is, via Robert Maxwell, who according to Hersh was a Mossad
> agent/connection, also tied to Iran-Contra, Adnan Kashoggi and the
> Epstein saga, and via Rafi Eitan (the handler of Jonathan Pollard, who
> is also mentioned in BE) definitely to Israeli intelligence.
> Whitney Webb has a lot to say about this - much of it proven, some of it
> more on the speculative side. See Webb's substack or Jimmy Dore's
> interview with her.
> I agree with your view on how Pynchon handles these topics.
> --
> Pynchon-L: <>

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