NP: On the Ukraine thread

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Sun Feb 13 19:01:36 UTC 2022

Armed Forces of Ukraine - Wikipedia

The total Ukrainian military deployment around the world as of 1 August
2009 was 540 servicemen participating in 8 peacekeeping missions. The first
battle of a regular formation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces happened on
April 6, 2004, in Kut, Iraq, when the Ukrainianpeacekeeping contingent was
attacked by militants of the Mahdi Army. The ...

   - Active personnel: 405,000 (2022)
   - Reserve personnel: 250,000 (2022)

As many as 1100 BAD GUYS sez Newsweek or

.OO244 %.....
That sounds like Martin's "not that important' to me....
               Can you not see what you are doing? Really not see?

On Sun, Feb 13, 2022 at 1:43 PM Thomas Eckhardt via Pynchon-l <
pynchon-l at> wrote:

> I take your points. I note, however, that your comment is full of those
> "nifty details" that you deem irrelevant when the subject turns to the
> Minsk Agreement and Debaltseve or the Nuland-Pyatt phone call.
> I might be forgiven if I continue to see a combat unit that sports a
> Wolfsangel (i.e. Swastika) and a Black Sun (consisting of Swastikas) in
> its banner as neo-Nazis. In Germany, you would be laughed out of the
> room if you claimed that some of the people assembled under those
> symbols are not neo-Nazis.
> In fact, you would not be laughed out of the room but thrown out. At
> least I hope so.
> But, of course, the Ukraine is not Germany. Different yardsticks apply.
> You argue that the Azov Battalion is not really that important. Newsweek
> disagrees and says that the problem runs much deeper:
> "A year after the deadly riot that ensued when mostly far-right
> protestors descended on the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to overturn the
> presidential election, white supremacists and other like-minded radicals
> see fertile ground to recruit and train abroad in war-torn Ukraine."
> "'Since the 2014 Maidan revolution, the government, military and
> security forces have institutionalized in its ranks former militias and
> volunteer battalions linked to neo-Nazi ideology,' Kuzmenko told
> Newsweek. 'Without screening for extremist ties or views, their
> integration has not led to depoliticization and/or dissolution once
> incorporated within the larger body of the government military and
> security forces.'
> He cites as a prominent example the Azov Special Operations Detachment,
> also known as the Azov Battalion or Azov Regiment. It was established by
> the Ukrainian Ministry of the Interior after the conflict broke out in
> 2014, and was later transferred to the National Guard. Kuzmenko calls
> the regiment 'a highly-capable and heavily armed unit reportedly
> numbering 1100 or more fighters that is also the military wing of the
> internationally active Azov movement.'
> 'Via Azov's political wing – the National Corps party; described by
> researchers as neo-Nazi,' Kuzmenko added, "the movement has gone
> international on multiple fronts with known contacts in Germany's
> neo-Nazi Third Path (Der Dritte Weg) party, America's Rise Above
> Movement, Italy's Casa Pound, etc.; but also with less-scrutinized
> international contacts via other branches of the movement that draw less
> attention but may carry equally dangerous implications."
> Note in particular:
> "'Apparently deradicalizing the Ukrainian military and security forces
> of far-right elements is simply not on Washington's wish-list. The same
> applies to other Western governments supporting Ukraine.'"
> "Kuzmenko called on the U.S. and Western allies 'to treat neo-Nazis and
> the far-right in Ukraine's military and elsewhere in the same fashion
> they treat them in other Western militaries.'"
> I have forwarded these quotes before and would still be grateful for
> your comments.
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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