Fwd: Nightmare

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at gmail.com
Sat Feb 26 09:22:31 UTC 2022

Martin appeared at a local--but zoom international--group in my town, per
the invitation
I sent y'all. Some from DC and Chicago attended. Had I more time, I would
have had

His adult lifetime's marrow-deep understanding of Ukraine and Russia and
fingertip embedded factual feeling for the war horror and its reasons
edified all.
The responses I've gotten......

Anyway, the event was recorded with ful permission from all who attended
and anyone
who wants a copy, just ask.

Here is just one Thanks from a woman who was away but wanted me to record
"Hi Mark,

I just watched the recording of Martin Dietze talk with Fred’s group. I
can’t thank you enough for arranging and recording it. It was truly
remarkable in how informative and insightful Martin was and how
well-reasoned and heart-felt his opinions are. I now have a much more
nuanced and realistic understanding of the conflict.

A sad time for humanity."

I am holding a rally in my town Sunday.

On Sat, Feb 26, 2022 at 3:56 AM Martin Dietze <mdietze at gmail.com> wrote:

> We - and Germans most of all - must keep the pressure up on our respective
> governments. Russia needs to be isolated on all levels, and it must be kept
> that way until either their dictatorship collapses or they withdraw from
> Ukraine's whole territory and fully respect their rights to take control of
> their country's fate.
> On Sat, 26 Feb 2022 at 09:51, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at gmail.com> wrote:
>> So, some music-loving before-my-time Plister comes back home,
>> like the return of the repressed, and speaks of Lovecraft ....and Pynchon.
>> So, another writer I'd mostly missed--read just a bit of the famous long
>> novel a pentade
>> ago--this crafty love guy NOT---and I say to myself, read more, be a
>> completist and
>> this L of A volume of his stories pops up from a lower shelf at a library
>> like one of Maxine's
>> surprises and I bring it home.
>> And I fall asleep reading JUST the first story last evening, full of dread
>> over Ukraine, and
>> my life partner wakes me up gently with "That was a very bad one, wasn't
>> it?" as I had
>> a paralysis nightmare involving her prematurely unmoving body......
>> Thanks, Allen. 😇  I'll never forget you nor Lovecraft now.
>> --
>> Pynchon-L: https://waste.org/mailman/listinfo/pynchon-l
> --
> Dr. Martin Dietze
> [https://www.martins-braindumps.de/]
> 1. Vorsitzender
> Deutsch-Ukrainischer Kulturverein e.V.
> [http://www.deutsch-ukrainischer-kulturverein.de/]

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