This is the fountainhead of 2Oth Century American conspiracy theories. Name checks Hofstadter. Older "deep states". Repub Party barnacles and tentacles.

Thomas Eckhardt huebschraeuber at
Sun Jan 9 20:49:23 UTC 2022

Aggregatable to the present...

Once again, here is Hofstadter on Welch:

'As for Eisenhower himself, Welch characterized him, in words that have
made the candy manufacturer famous, as “a dedicated, conscious agent of
the Communist conspiracy”—a conclusion, he added, “based on an
accumulation of detailed evidence so extensive and so palpable that it
seems to put this conviction beyond any reasonable doubt.”'

Am 09.01.2022 um 17:40 schrieb Mark Kohut:
> Rick Perlstein gives a lot of space and history to the mail order guy's
> base of work, aggregatable to the present.
> I hope this biographer is wrong
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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