BEg2 chapter 13 Doom for Game Boy

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Wed Jan 12 11:23:14 UTC 2022

The kiss just Russian hospitality, I suggest, while reading the fine new
book on Dostoevesky's wife
who saved him and with D's family's constant hospitality and abuse of it by
sponging off them.

They asked about the wire because paranoia is everywhere and necessary for
them?  .

On Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 11:12 PM Michael Bailey <
michael.lee.bailey at> wrote:

> Igor: "Doom...just came out for Game Boy. Post-late capitalism run amok,
> 'United Aerospace Corporation,' moons of Mars, gateways to hell, zombies
> and demons, including I think these two. Misha and Grisha. Say hello,
> padonki."
> padonki - geez, it's a whole thing!
> backing up a little -
> Igor kisses Maxine's hand
> [kind of a bold move, isn't that more a ballroom gambit? But the point is
> maybe the Russian has made the booth his office, or ballroom, or whatever
> he wants it to be]
> and nods to Rocky. "She is not wearing wire, I hope." [note Russian
> article-free grammar: not "a" wire]
> "i'm wire-intolerant," Maxine pretends to explain, "I memorize everything
> instead, then later when they debrief me I can dump it all work for word on
> the feds. Or whoever it is you're so afraid of."
> Igor smiles, angles his head like, charmed I'm sure.
> "So far, Rocky murmurs, "the cop has not been invented who could get these
> guys any more than maybe faintly annoyed."
> Whereupon we get that look at Misha & Grisha who are presumably some of the
> reason why Igor isn't running scared.
> So why did he ask about the wire?
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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