NP but somehow very P. BE? or AtD and more. Anyway, goes out for Morris and N.O. Brown, sorta. And Joseph too.

David Morris fqmorris at
Tue Jan 18 02:54:12 UTC 2022

On Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 9:38 PM David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:

> You want to win elections?  That sounds suspiciously quasi-imperialistic
> to me…

There’s also this:


The progressive wing of the Democratic Party blew it

Every other headline these days is about Joe Biden's disastrous approval
rating and the chaotic shape of the Democratic Party. How could Democrats
have done this? What's wrong with them?

Let's cut the crap and acknowledge the obvious answer. First off, the
progressive wing of the party insisted on pushing voting rights laws that
had zero chance of passing. Biden knew this from the start and said so.

Then Bernie Sanders insisted on an insane BBB bill that would have been
unprecedented in the history of the country—and doubly unprecedented with a
50-50 Senate. But he insisted, and every time it got cut back it gave
progressives another chance to moan about how they were being betrayed.
Eventually it died.

For some reason, after an election that was razor close, progressives
managed to delude themselves into thinking we were on the cusp of a
revolution.  *How they did this is as big a mystery as how millions of
people deluded themselves into thinking that Donald Trump really won the
election. *

It's inexplicable.

But that's what happened.

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