Re: BEg2 ch 31 “tango”

Joseph Tracy brook7 at
Sat Jul 16 06:46:53 UTC 2022

 I failed to do a search that would have turned up the CH 10 reference, so good catch, but it seems to me that naming DC is not inherently definitive in a work of fiction and Tango could be a more general box for this kind of think tank. AEI could probably work as well and had lots of influence on the W presidency, probably more in the long run. Argentina does feel implied but more as the scene of the macho death and disappearance tango initiated by  Nixon /Kissinger, and carried out by the likes of Windust. But Reagan did the same dance in Central America and Columbia with then DC-based Casey in charge and perhaps initiator. Part of my argument for MI is its direct influence on one of the few ideas W  ran on( compassionate conservatism) hence Thrubwell’s mention of Tango’s direct influence of the president and also the role of Frum as W speech writer and Kristol as key voice of the NeoCons. There is also the Chase Manhattan-Bush family connection written about by John Loftus. I would accept either or both as a good fit. Like Ice, it is practically impossible to make a precise real world identification. The political, cultural and technological implications look the same to me.
> On Jul 16, 2022, at 1:10 AM, Michael Bailey <michael.lee.bailey at> wrote:
> *Joseph Tracy wrote:*
> *Maxine and Thrubwell’s reference to
> *>* the thinktankTango is a reference to the Manhattan Institute.*
> *- That’s as may be; definitely a source of bad ideas, imho…*
> *But, direct textual reference to the imperialist “tango” (chapter 10)
> - as a “DC think tank” argues against total acceptance of that
> attribution *
> *I think the name is also evocative of a place adversely affected by
> Friedmanite bandleaders conducting those bad ideas: Argentina (driving
> Shawn’s Lacanian therapist, Leopoldo, to exile in Manhattan)*
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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