NP just the murder of children but don't call it "weaponizing"....

David Morris fqmorris at
Tue Jun 14 13:32:03 UTC 2022

I don’t have any problem clicking on a url to bring up a tweet.  That’s a
pretty rarified complaint IMHO.

Re. “just the murder of children,”  I think it’s a very valid response
to *Мудак
німецький гелікоптер*‘a attempt to downplay the horrific repeatedly
disclosed fact of the RAMPANT *rape, torture and murder* of Ukrainian
hostages (men, women and children) in towns occupied by Russia.  That
downplaying also included a “both sides do it” refrain, which is just pure

*Мудак німецький гелікоптер* has been a constant source of pure Russian
propaganda, with a veneer of aloof superiority.  If you feel he’s been
treated unfairly here, fine.  That’s your opinion.  I think he’s been
treated too nicely here.  So there you go.

David Morris

On Tue, Jun 14, 2022 at 12:56 AM Robert Mahnke <rpmahnke at> wrote:

> Recognizing fully that it may not matter to you or change your posting
> habits in any way, I find your emails to this list in which you share
> tweets with a mere url almost totally useless. There is widely available,
> well-designed software that enables you to share tweets. It is called
> "Twitter." One can download the app, or use the open web version. I am sure
> you are familiar with it, because you have an account, @markkohut, which I
> follow. When you share (or "retweet") someone else's tweet on Twitter, the
> reader sees both that tweet and whatever text you may add with it. By
> contrast, when you email tweets, I have to click on each tweet and open
> another browser window (in Twitter!) to see whatever content you are trying
> to share.
> With regard to this post to which I am responding, you did not bother to
> tweet the same content to your 1,330 followers, an indication that the
> tweet itself was not that interesting, and that you are only sharing it
> here as a response to Thomas Eckhardt's post about whether Russia was or
> was not weaponizing rape. If I understand correctly, you don't argue with
> the truth of what he shared, so you're trying to rebuke him for drawing a
> distinction between rape as something that many soldiers do when given the
> opportunity, and rape as a premeditated military strategy. You're trying to
> suggest that drawing the distinction somehow downplays the gravity of the
> former. This post relates "just the murder of children" but not
> "weaponizing," so Eckhardt must not really care about the murder of
> children.
> This is not fair to Eckhardt. The distinction between the horrible things
> that happen in war and a premeditated strategy of pursuing those horrible
> things is real and important. If you don't believe that, read up on war
> crimes. But you do believe it, and it's hard to imagine that you would take
> the same shot at someone identified as a supporter of Ukraine. Perhaps
> because you think Eckhardt is on the wrong side, you are cheapening
> yourself to try to score some kind of debating point on him. It only makes
> one of you look bad, and it's not him. To state the obvious, it's bad when
> children are killed in war, and worse when that killing is "weaponized."
> Posting tweets here that consist of nothing but the tweet's url and maybe a
> delphic subject line adds almost no value to the board. Anyone who can read
> these emails can follow a twitter account (and if they can't, there is
> absolutely no point in sharing links to tweets). If you have something to
> say about a tweet and need more than 280 characters to say it, by all
> means, develop the thought and share it here. But if you're just going to
> share a tweet, for God's sake, do it on Twitter. Sharing a tweet's url here
> but declining to retweet it can fairly be understood as an expression of
> disregard or disrespect to your audience here, if not implicit hostility.
> Please take this as a sign of my belief that you have something to say, and
> of my desire to see it published in the right place.
> On Mon, Jun 13, 2022 at 1:18 PM Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:
> >
> >
> > --
> > Pynchon-L:
> >
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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