GR translation: physically highballing them about the sky

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Thu Jun 16 06:15:25 UTC 2022

Definition #2 in the Oxford online dictionary:

informal A railroad signal to proceed.

On Thu, Jun 16, 2022 at 2:08 AM Mike Jing < at>

> V85.26-30, P83.13-17   But Edwin Treacle, that most Freudian of psychical
> researchers, thinks Slothrop’s gift is psychokinesis. Slothrop is, with the
> force of his mind, causing the rockets to drop where they do. He may not be
> physically highballing them about the sky: but maybe he is fooling with the
> electrical signals inside the rocket’s guidance system.
> What does "physically highballing" imply here exactly?
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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