GR translation: the translucent guardian of a rainfall

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Thu Jun 23 04:10:07 UTC 2022

Mike Jing wrote:

V94.8-15 ,P96.1-9   The cameraman is pleased at the unexpected effect of so
much flowing crepe, particularly when Katje passes before a window and the
rainlight coming through changes it for a few brief unshutterings to murky
glass, charcoal-saturated, antique and weather-worn, frock, face, hair,
hands, slender calves all gone to glass and glazing, for the celluloid
instant poised—the translucent guardian of a rainfall shaken through all
day by rocket blasts near and far, downward, dark and ruinous behind her
the ground which, for the frames’ passage, defines her.

Several things:

In "changes it for a few brief unshutterings to murky glass," what does
"it" refer to? I always thought it refers to the crepe, but the published
translation took it as the window, which seems redundant to me since it's
already made of glass.

What does "the translucent guardian" refer to here? I thought it refers to
the preceding image of Katje in the dress, while the published translation
again interpreted it as the window, which doesn't seem right.

What does the word "downward" describe here?

In "dark and ruinous behind her the ground", does the "ground" mean

“it” should refer to “window”,* but after “murky glass” the words
describing Katje and her outfit all refer back to “effect of so much
crepe”, both grammatically and sense-wise, imho

ie - the whole phrase “particularly when Katje passes before a window and
the rainlight coming through changes it for a few brief unshutterings to
murky glass” is an interjection

Translucent guardian - iffier, but how about “each snapshot shows a brief
moment of her walking past the window, transmuted by the rainlight* into
the image of a translucent guardian (rainlight showing her as a guardian of
the rainlight itself, a natural life-affirming image, coöperation among all
the destruction, a mutual transformation) in contrast to the bomb-riddled
landscape outside, both visible and imputed”?  A fleeting image of hope and
protection. Like a Miraculous Medal?

* before & after this the pictures would only show her in front of
(presumably) a wall, in artificial and/or indirect lighting, which isn’t
usually so caressive

I think “downward” refers to the gravity-obeying path of the missiles at
their destination (as opposed to their gravity-defiance at their source)

Ground/background - intentional ambiguity?

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