SLPAD - 42 colloquy with Sarge / in the day room

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Fri Apr 7 06:07:27 UTC 2023

“Where the hell were you,”
               he said, “reading a whore book?” “That’s right, Sarge,”
Levine said, “I was studying
               for sergeant.” The first sergeant scowled. “Lieutenant wants
to see you,” he said.

            “So I heard,” Levine said. “Where is he?”

            “In the day room,” the first sergeant said, “with the rest of
the men.”

            “What’s going on, Sarge, anything special?”

            “Go on in and find out,” the sergeant said peevishly. “Jesus
Christ, Levine, you ought
               to know by now, nobody ever tells me anything.”

           The passage speaks for itself.
 (Levine’s laziness is contagious (-;)

In the day room: straightforward exposition. Nothing fancy that I could
notice. The lieutenant and “about a dozen” soldiers clustered around a
table, upon which lies a map.

 The coffee cup ring stains on the map are a nice touch.

The lieutenant is pairing off buddies:
“DiGrandi and Siegel,” the lieutenant was saying, “Rizzo and Baxter—” he
looked up….

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