SLPAD - 89 - “Low-Lands” - 3

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Tue Aug 29 05:48:59 UTC 2023

“He called up Wasp and Winsome, Attorneys at Law, and got somebody’s
secretary. “Flange,” he said: “no.” She began to object. “Later,” he said,
hung up and sat with Rocco for the rest of the day drinking muscatel and
listening to a $1,000 stereo outfit that Cindy had made him buy but which
she had never used, to Flange’s recollection, for anything but a place to
put hors d’oeuvre dishes or cocktail trays.”

$1,000 in 1960 comes in north of $10,000 today.

Not just a pretty nice stereo, although people do spend more.

Flange’s connections to the putative moorings of his comfortable life
(wife, career) seem tenuous.

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