
Martin Dietze mdietze at
Mon Feb 13 09:46:09 UTC 2023

As you are replying to my email...

On Sun, 12 Feb 2023 at 18:00, Joseph Tracy <brook7 at> wrote:

> *Sure dude, I actually work directly for the Kremlin*

... which I wrote exactly where?

> * like everyone who neither trusts the CIA infested media (
> <>
> <
> <>>
> ), *

You seem to love "consortiumnews". Well, an outlet where frequent RT
authors publish must be more trustworthy than "CIA infested media".
There were times when I'd laugh happily when reading stuff like this,
because nobody could possibly be serious about it.

*nor a country that has openly shut down opposition media, opposition
> political parties*

Surely you mean Russia?

* and the Russian orthodox church;*

Oh, can't be, since Moscow's partiarch Kyril is one of their biggest
warmongers. So, let me think for a moment. Ah, you mean the country that
has been invaded by Russia just about a year ago. So, sure, it has a moral
obligation to protect Kyryl's church? You seem to have moral standards so
high, that your critique towards Putin's Russian empire must be vicious
enough not to have made it through this (of course) censored mailing list's
filters, so that's why nobody can read it here, right?

*and you are not a German ultra defensive reflection of Ukrainian
> nationalist propaganda.*


> *but spout the same things as all the liars and fakes who know nothing but
> what the imperial war machine says..*

So I spread Ukrainian nationalist propaganda and what the "imperial war
machine says" while you ... know ... and tell us .... "the truth"? Well,
you are kind of self-confident, I have to give you credit for that.

*Posting Ukrainian food recipes in German doesn’t really qualify as
> evidence of profound knowledge of Ukraine.  I can’t read German so am
> limited as to what  the references you posted have to say. The 2nd linked
> article doesn’t have your name anywhere I could find, but it is obvious you
> were not one of the Ukrainians interviewed because their names were listed.*

Seems like you're getting more and more confused. But that's OK, we all are
from time to time. Maybe next time you refer to things written here rather
than publishing "detective work" about me (but thanks for mentioning my
recipes anyway, they're quite good, you should try them one day).

> *As to Nazis in Russia, after losing 25 million people to German
> aggression geographically channeled through Ukraine, and taking the major
> military role to defeat Hitler I*

Ah, so it was *Russia* who defeated Hitler? I had always thought it to be
the Soviet Union (of which, by the way, the Ukrainian and Belarusian
republics were completely devastated with their populations losing the by
far highest proportions of their respective populations). If you happen to
teach history somewhere, I'll be sure to take a course with you.

> *it gets real damn obvious that Russians have profoundly existential
> concerns*

Yes, sure, a nuclear power's existence is threatened by a smaller neighbour
that has actually given up its nuclear weapons in exchange for a guarantee
to protect its territorial integrity by the world's superpowers (of which
one was .... Russia).

Yes, and as a proper "superpower" Russia has a legitimate right to invade
neighbours for making souvereign decisions against Russia's interests.
Seems perfectly plausible to me.

> *and Fuck the self-glorifying and self-enriching dictator Zelensky. *

While not being a fan of Zelensky, this really strong statement of yours
(wow, I'm impressed!) indicates how little you understand about Ukraine,
and how completely you rely on Moscow's narratives spread across your
beloved "alternative" media. If you know just about a bit about that
country, you'd know that Zelensky is a democratically elected president,
not a dictator (you'l have to look at Putin if you are interested in
dictators). He is actually a rather weak president due to his populist
stance - he has always tried to identify the political decisions most
popular amongst his people.

But there's an interesting detail not only about him but about Ukraine and
Russia: just about every leading Ukrainian politician who started
irritating Putin got eventually subjected to Russia's PR campaign pushing
consistent messages into their network of "alternative" blogs and more
official media outlets: politician XYZ is a fascist, an autocrat, a
dictator (pick any number of these), because (some bizarre story follows,
out-of-context citations, images etc.). We have seen this starting during
Yushchenko's campaign in 2004 and during his presidency, then far more
intensively after 2014: Yatsenyuk (a "nazi", "proven" by an image cut out
of a video making him - a jew - look like performing a Hitler salute),
Poroshenko ("wants to see Donbas children in cellars"), Zelensky
("blood-thirsty warmonger" forcing his people - against their will - to
keep fighting).

It looks like you're buying into all of this. The graat thing about
conspiracy theorists is their confidence that just about everybody else is
wrong, only the "chosen few" have understood the true nature of things.

You know, Zelensky is a clown and knows how to make people laugh - when he
wants. Your humor is of a different sort. Would be funny if things weren't
so tragic.

Dr. Martin Dietze

1. Vorsitzender - Deutsch-Ukrainischer Kulturverein e.V.
Голова - Німецько-Українське Товариство Культури

Redakteur / Редактор - Karpaty Lviv Nachrichten

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