Couple-three things while rereading that great book, GR

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Sat Jan 21 10:52:07 UTC 2023

I had forgotten how often the pure non-ironic use of the word and concept
'heart' occurs.
That innocent feeling---see 'innocence' riff in The Zone.  That 'heart'
that Rilke writes of
to start the Elegies, that major inspirational work behind Gravity's

Rilke, Elegy the First: "even if one of them [angels] held me to his heart.
I'd vanish in his overwhelming presence"--sums up a lot of GR's Slothrop
plot, yes?

With all the exploration of everything Rocket, War, History, Cultural
Exploitation in GR, has anyone written a simple essay
on its 'heart"? .....A Simple Heart---Flaubert.

And 'frock'. I thought 'frock' only showed up, spread full in *Against the
Day* but TRP LOVES the word.

And, as we have discussed here, the word holocaust, overt, unburied,
another allusive layer not least the Grimm Tale.

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