SLPAD - 25 - Baxter Hathaway

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Fri Mar 17 05:10:58 UTC 2023

Memorial Statement from Cornell

Short blog entry confirming Baxter Hathaway’s friendship with Thomas Pynchon

Baxter Hathaway papers

Epoch, the Cornell literary organ, has a “Baxter Hathaway Prize in Poetry.”

Back in the primary text, the Intro details a friendly nudge in the form of
an extremely apropos greeting card -

(“ one of those cartoon cards, showing a toilet stall covered with graffiti.
‘You’ve practiced long enough,’ it said—open the card—‘Now write!’ It was
               signed ‘Baxter Hathaway.’”

(maybe handmade, although it’s possible Ithaca stationers or even the
Cornell bookstore have stocked such a card for their niche demographic?)

- may have precipitated young Pynchon’s purchase of the Baedeker guide:

“Could Willy Sutton rob a safe? Loot the Baedeker I did, all the details of
a time
               and place I had never been to, right down to the names of
the diplomatic corps. Who’d
               make up a name like Khevenhüller-Metsch? Lest others become
as enchanted as I was
               and have continued to be with this technique, let me point
out that it is a lousy
               way to go about writing a story.”

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