NP but Ukraine: Constantin Sigov, philosopher, from Berkeley Center post.

Joseph Tracy brook7 at
Mon Mar 20 03:11:42 UTC 2023

Every claim of mass graves has turned out to be individual graves with markers. But there are actual videos of Ukrainian far right soldiers  shooting Russian prisoners of war, made by Ukrainians.

 War is horrible and this one could have been avoided by agreeing to reasonable terms. But the Ukrainians kept murdering people of the Donbass even after signing the Minsk accords. Russia and Russian people of the region have as much right to security as NATO countries. Zelensky has made himself a pawn in a proxy war and is offering his people in a blood sacrifice to territorial claims that will never be realized. He has outlawed political and media opposition in Ukraine and is attacking Russian othodox churches in Ukraine. All of this so the US, who is by far the largest war criminal on earth,  can bleed  Russia with Ukrainian lives and US taxpayer dollars. In the US banks are failing and the dollar continues to lose credibility. The empire in in deep shit and may drag us into a nuclear holocaust rather than pursue fair and peaceful relations with the other people of the planet. Feeble minded supporters who believe our feebleminded figureheads are exactly what they rely on, as they continue to bet on the endlessly short attention span of voters who ignore the massive crimes of their imperial overlords and think the only thing that matters is which party or figurehead they hate the most.

> On Mar 19, 2023, at 5:35 PM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:
> *This war is nihilism made systemic.*
> "Receiving an exact description of what is happening, along with images of
> the destruction, is another way of experiencing this war that penetrates
> our body and our mind. It is necessary to enter the very terrain of
> opinions as a way of not letting words and reality itself become perverted.
> This war is nihilism made systemic. It is not only waged against a
> neighboring state, but against reality. Since the annexation of Crimea, we
> have been beset by lies. Defending reality and re-establishing the exact
> nature of words and things is essential and requires permanent effort. The
> only way for Putin to escape the international tribunal is to not just
> systematically deny reality verbally but also destroy it concretely. When
> you see the destruction of houses, it is not just a metaphor. It is real,
> just as real as the destruction of the semantic field.
> The relationship to the dead also illustrates this nihilism. In all
> civilizations, there is a level of decency towards the dead. Here, the mass
> graves show a desire to erase all forms of humanity for the dead.
> *The falsification of the truth is also a falsification of the past." *
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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