Pynchon works among set to train AI systems

Joseph Tracy brook7 at
Fri Sep 29 16:03:53 UTC 2023

Wow, can you say something about where this data set was stored. Do you think it likely that a similar set exists of  visual images/artworks. I hope this leads to some serious restraint  on AI tech, and legal accountability for copyright infringement.

> On Sep 29, 2023, at 11:17 AM, rich <richard.romeo at> wrote:
> This summer, I acquired a data set of more than 191,000 books that were
> used without permission to train generative-AI systems by Meta, Bloomberg,
> and others. I wrote in *The Atlantic *about
> <>
> how
> the data set, known as “Books3,” was based on a collection of pirated
> ebooks, most of them published in the past 20 years.
>   - Against the Day
>   - Al Límite (spanish Edition)
>   - Bleeding Edge: A Novel
>   - Inherent Vice
>   - La subasta del lote 49 (Andanzas) (Spanish Edition)
>   - Mason & Dixon
>   - Mason & Dixon
>   - Slow Learner
>   - The Crying of Lot 49
>   - Vente à la criée du lot 49
>   - Vicio propio
>   - Vineland
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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