CoL49 2024 group reading ch6 - Fallopian encounter

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Sun Aug 4 20:18:48 UTC 2024

Along this fine reading, I do not think Fallopian has any idea of "a
right-wing revolution" he just
knows the tristero will emerge again...its history "Trystero enjoyed
counter-revolution in those days"
shows it is both.....[see the supposed history of The French Revolution

On Sun, Aug 4, 2024 at 2:14 PM Michael Bailey <michael.lee.bailey at>

> Joseph Tracy wrote:
> Perhaps Fallopian also sees that if the tristero is real , then the real
> terrain is not as simple as his map and so he reinforces the idea that the
> big shots are in charge, have played her, and it’s time for a right wing
> revolution.
> >
> Fallopian, Koteks & Metzger are all right wing I think.
> Metzger’s behavior after the play resonates in tune with (or sets the scene
> for) Fallopian later - he’s much ruder than Fallopian, rails against “lib,
> over educated broads” (there’s that word again)
> ( oh, hey, he gives us his age in his screed: 35 - how did I miss that
> before when trying to guess it? He’s old enough to be President!)
> Although Metzger is confrontatory, in contrast with Fallopian’s more
> conciliatory words & actions, it’s Fallopian she decides hates her.
> Maybe it’s because so much has happened before that last meeting with
> Fallopian, maybe because Metzger is still operating within “civil society”
> while Fallopian has gone troppo…
> Anyway, she tolerates a lot of guff from Metzger, who blows up at her,
> mischaracterizes her, refuses to accompany her back to see Driblette, and
> even insults her:
> “I want to see if there’s a connection. I’m curious.” “Yes, you’re
> curious,” Metzger said.
> What does she want?
> “It isn’t that,” she protested. “I don’t care what Beaconsfield uses in its
> filter. I don’t care what Pierce bought from the Cosa Nostra. I don’t want
> to think about them. Or about what happened at Lago di Pietà, or
> cancer . . .” She looked around for words, feeling helpless. “What then?”
> Metzger challenged, getting to his feet, looming. “What?” “I don’t know,”
> she said, a little desperate. “Metzger, don’t harass me. Be on my side.”
>  “Against whom?” inquired Metzger, putting on shades.
> It’s a flippant comment, but I take it to mean that for him, right away to
> be on her side, they have to be against someone or something.
> Whereas I think she’s looking for something more companionable than that,
> especially since they’ve been intimate & so forth.
> Just showing a modicum of interest in her thoughts for instance, but
> apparently that’s more than what Metzger has on tap.
> For that matter, Maas, who is probably not a right wing butthead like those
> other guys, has a history of not listening to her either.
> So it isn’t necessarily political, I suppose.
> >
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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