NP - Zeta function news

matthew cissell mccissell at
Mon Jul 8 15:40:42 UTC 2024

Hello P-List People,

 For all those math curious folks on the P-list:
Not really fresh news as Terence Tao wrote about this on Mathstodon
about a month ago.

The article mentions that the work was first posted on, the
same platform on which Grigori Perelman posted his work on the
Poincaré Conjecture more than 20 years ago.
It just goes to show how someone that is not exactly strong in maths
can hear/ read about ground-breaking work in number theory, etc.
shortly after it is made public. This bolsters my position about
Pynchon being aware of Perelman's work prior to the publication of

Keep up the good work on the CL49 read!

mc otis

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