CoL49 Ch5 third section Weekly Reading

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Sat Jul 13 20:32:38 UTC 2024

JK: How does Hilarius' explanation of LSD and blending of individuals into
one compare with Oedipa's efforts to understand W.A.S.T.E.?

No idea....all individuals merging int sounds like another bat-shit idea....

On Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 12:41 PM Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:

> Q: Although she learns much about W.A.S.T.E., Oed leaves the Bay area
> without finding a source or definitive W.A.S.T.E. facility beyond the bin
> and the currier's route.
> Trystero has no location, definitive or less than. That is part of its
> connection to the anarchistic incursion into history....
> On Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 11:08 AM J K Van Nort via Pynchon-l <
> pynchon-l at> wrote:
>> Sorry for the delay. I'm taking up the hosting for the week.
>> Summary:After helping the sailor up the stairs and onto his "Viking
>> funeral" bed, Oed gives him money and takes his letter to mail. She heads
>> down under the freeway where she eventually finds a trash can labeled
>> W.A.S.T.E. She hovers and watches until a young man drops in a bundle. She
>> puts the letter inside and returns to her observation point until a young
>> wino gathers the contents. She follows him and his successor whom he hands
>> the bag off. She follows this wino as he delivers around Oakland.
>> Eventually she returns to her hotel, where the deaf-mute association is
>> having a silent dance where every dancing pair dances to their own music.
>> She is waltzed around the room until the synonymous break, when she flees
>> to her room. After sleeping she drives the Impala down to Kinneret,
>> deciding to visit Dr. Hilarius, who takes pock shots at her as she enters.
>> His assistant lets her into the office, where she learns that Hilarius has
>> a psychic breakdown, believing the Israeli's are after him. She tries to
>> talk him down from the precipice, but he considers her to be an enemy. He
>> relates his history as a psychiatrist in the Nazi death camp, Buchenwald.
>> He was in charge of 'faces' that would have psychotic effects on the Jewish
>> prisoners. He describes one face that can create immediate and irreparable
>> psychic damage,  which he used on one Zvi. The sirens of the police can be
>> heard, and Hilarius pulls Oed into his office, where he tells her the
>> details, including his efforts to pay 'penance' by attempting to become a
>> believer of Freud.
>> Questions:
>> Although she learns much about W.A.S.T.E., Oed leaves the Bay area
>> without finding a source or definitive W.A.S.T.E. facility beyond the bin
>> and the currier's route. Why does she think that Dr Hilarius will help her?
>> How does Hilarius' crimes in Buchenwald move the plot forward or help to
>> understand either character?
>> Is Oedipa Jewish? How does her response to Hilarius' revelations expand
>> her character?
>> How does Hilarius' explanation of LSD and blending of individuals into
>> one compare with Oedipa's efforts to understand W.A.S.T.E.?
>> In solidarity,
>> James
>> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
>> --
>> Pynchon-L:

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