The Crying of Lot 49 Group Read 2024

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Sun Jun 23 20:39:16 UTC 2024

p. 84   "I like to watch young stuff"....." So does my husband" she said.
"I understand"...

There was at least one whole book published about *The Lolita Complex *in
(loosely understood as an attraction to young women----but not TWELVE,
which was
Lolita's age).....

I remember driving and talking with some of my male buddies after first
year college....
guys from high school, since we had all gone elsewhere for college......and
I said,
joking (and choking with young male stupidity) that I thought I had a
Lolita Complex--having
read the book in my first year of college but not in any class--because I
wanted to "date" high school girls--
dating did not mean what it means now---again, LOL.....

The woman at college I wanted to go out with was "won" by my best buddy and
a possible other was a sophomore,
rumoredly brilliant because she was in a highly selective advanced class
reading *The Recognitions--*which is how I
learned of THAT book--and she was the best in the class of older students
(even grad students, dunno) one guy told
me,  teaching me she was out of my league....

Back to the point.....P saw that immaturity in many older American men...a
real Psychological-social thing, I say....
Psych 101.....afraid of a real equal woman.....

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