Re: FB link, pic of Maria Muldaur, Richard & Mimi Fariña, with it’s gotta be TRP

matthew cissell mccissell at
Mon Sep 9 08:22:48 UTC 2024


 Newport, July 1965.  This is mentioned in David Hajdu's "Positively
4th Street". On page 210 he writes, "In 1964 more than 70,000 people
bought tickets to see Baez, Dylan, Peter, Paul, and Mary, Johnny Cash,
Judy Collins, Mississippi John Hurt, and some fifty others. If Joan
was still the most famous, Bob now had the most respect. This year
Baez performed on the festival's first evening, as Bob had a year
earlier, and Dylan was granted the climatic closing-night slot."  The
photo that has who we think may well be Pynchon, is almost certainly
not the same day that Dylan played his famous electric set. Fariña
does have that cool hepcat aura, doesn't he?

Upon closer inspection I see that TP is not holding a camera but
rather appears to have his thumb hitched into his pocket.

I came across a webpage that some of you may already be familiar with,
it's dedicated to the Fariñas.
( ) It provides some detail
that helps make sense of the various photos. However, there are some
bits that just don't line up. Still, it does have a small pic that
seems to be from the same Gahr series though I don't remember seeing
it in Getty images. It is of the same group but from directly in
front; you can see the tall fellow standing to the right of Richard
Fariña. Sadly, when the size is augmented it becomes  too blurry to
distinguish very much.

So Pynchon would see his novella published in April of the following
year. What else did he do while on the East Coast? Meet with the
publisher? Visit his folks or other friends? Maybe go see some jazz?
And how was he getting around? Did he fly out, or take the train? Or
even drive?

mc otis

On Sat, Sep 7, 2024 at 11:27 PM rich <richard.romeo at> wrote:
> this the one you're referring to?
> On Sat, Sep 7, 2024 at 12:01 PM Michael Bailey <michael.lee.bailey at>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Looks like he was enjoying the afternoon
> > --
> > Pynchon-L:
> >
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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