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all the texts have been commented and approve by the general assembly of ciudadan@s of the community


Already previously exists a group of craftswomen in Plan of Zaragoza. Traves of this group we knew the CIPO and we connected with this organizacion.Lo first that we did is to join all the senoras and the men to platicar together and I name a representative.

By then they went to platicar with the representatives of the CIPO. Those of the CIPO came to meet with us several times and to give factories as organizacion of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca worked. We matched a wheel of chairs and. One of the games was with a thread. A spider fabric between all became. All took hold the thread. We matched to platicar on as it is to be united so that there is but force.

We were two days in the factory and then we decided in September of the 2000 to enter organizacion and those that estabamos reunited we named a base advice, that has 5 members.

We entered the CIPO because we do not have much support. The municipality does not support to us. The CIPO we are all and towards of organizacion we pressed the government because but he does not give anything us

We often left to marches to obtain aid of the government on the light (that some do not have), the way, the bridge, the school, panaderia and the house of health.

The mHerenas for panaderia communitarian, the way were obtained salio and almost this to finish and we are working in the bridge and in the escuela.Pero todavia a medico and medicine lack the health house, needs and luz.Se made projects of artesania, vegetables, seam and platano with the CIPO.

The profits...

panaderia communitarian

Oscar, 11 Israel, 13, Salvador, 13
The school classroom

The senores of Plan of Zaragoza went to the city of Oaxaca to fight against the government of the state so that it gave money so that the classrooms are going it to construct again. And twelve masons arrived to work and now they are going it to finish.