Text written by tod@s miembr@s
of the CIPO-RFM, Yagallo
Organization and depression
In the community Santiago Yagallo I form a group of
Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca with the purpose of looking for
a better future of the life, since every day but we were a difficult
situation but by the economicas crises.
and we have formed a group to be able to demand our right like
indigenous that we are, since the government does not know to us when we
requested something to him of support for our benefit. Instead
of supporting us engana. But they when they need come to us to
offer something. When there is bells do false promises to us.
When they already are in his power, they forget us, no longer
do case to us. For that reason we were decided to integrate in
group CIPO.
Lamentably, many comrades already retired and we have been
very little. We have requested a support and not profit.
For that reason they have retired.
By lack of resource we have not attended in all the meetings,
that have taken in different places. In the meetings of Advice
of Base one is subjects of like organizing the mobilization, of like
pressing the government, carrying out the activities.