Elequias, 14 years
This era a town that was single. Rich people never towards case. He was one of the so many towns that had
in the Corner of the Juarez Mountain range. Dependia of a
municipality that was Tanetze de Zaragoza. The government never
towards case to the problems that had in Santa Maria Yaviche.
A day had a problem with the people of Tanetze by a bus that habia
between the towns. The people of Santa Maria nonwise Yaviche
like solving her problem, until a senor, said that had one
organizacion that CIPO is called and that helped the forgotten towns,
that is that before the problems that had nobody helped it.
These of Santa Maria Yaviche requested an aid to this
organizacion, because they do not podian to solve single the problem
that had with Tanetze.
YAVICHE Empezaron to go to marches in the Zocalo. They
stood there 2 or 3 days and if the government did not give solution to
his problems they planted up to one week. the people of Santa
Maria Yaviche had I syndicate policeman. the people no longer
dependia of Tanetze.
But everything what now it has like a tele-secondary school,
that is that the people is growing little by little. In order to
be able to see what podia to have (and account did not occur) had to
go to marches, people kept awake much in the town, because they
threatened to us. Now people know, that she cannot come out
ahead single, but that needs organizations, to people who help to that
they need and that always it is necessary to be organized.