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To look for the life

I, German Lopez Alavez expose the following thing: In February 2001 I was myself in the United States for New Jersez to work to look for the life and the one to me of my children. First it buys a ticket of airplane in Oaxaca for Sonorous Hermosillo and from Hermosillo it takes a taxi for Aguaprieta walnuts. Arrive in Aguaprieta in a Hotel. there is the border. Then it looks for coyote to cross to me in the line escondidamente and coyote went to me to receive 1600 Dolares to me and was undergoing 3 days walking in the mount, osea in the border to arrive at Californian Phoenix and the 3 days we do not have meals nor water and had to hold by the necessity that I tapeworm and until the 4 days we arrived in Californian Finix. They already gave meals us and waters and of Finix took laid down to us in one "go" during 4 days and 3 nights and eramos 12 people of different places. Arriving in New Jersey I look for work. I was an year with 7 months working. Since returns to me in my population to be coexisting with my relatives.

And Still successively tod@s the citizens and citizens of the community is going in foreign earth to work to look for the life and the one of his hij@s because in this population the life is work no to gain. And the lands of the culture do not give much harvest either to maintain all the family. For that reason much@s emigrates to several parts of the world by the daily life.

The husband who went away

He makes 5 years went away his husband for the north with the purpose of having a life better. Single that encontro with another woman and forgetfulness of its family including a its children. Single it maintained them by an year and right now it does not send to anything for his children and their wife to them.

They named a position him and it does not want to return. The senora Rosary maintains to its 4 children and this removing ahead without the support of its husband. It has a pequeno land. corn sowing, frijol and also wheat and this maintain to them.

Their parents and their fathers-in-law help to make the work so that the ninos grow and can go to the school.

Dictation by Rosary Perez Lopez

We already lived a little better...

Before when I marry with 18 years my life was full of sadnesses because my husband was poor. Nontapeworm land, tapeworm nor house and we did not have children. We suffered and I was working in the house, doing eaten to give to eat the teachers, to wash the clothes to them. Still I had growing my children, were eight. And Still I made to command to them in the school.
Now either he is great one of my children and or salio to the north to work. Then already it helps me. We already lived a little better. Already single we are 3 in the house and we bought land.

Dictation by Rosenda Perez Cross