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The women also participate in guerra…

Day 11 of August which sucedio was that the authority of San Miguel Aloapam and their paramilitary ones (comuneros of San Miguel Aloapam) was transferred to the denominated farm Iyuxiuni. They got to reforest the farm. They brought three trucks of little trees. They destroyed the house and all the frets that I occupy to cook.
They were commanded by the communal and municipal authority of San Miguel Aloapam. They stuck my grandsons and Since they stuck me to my and all those that at this moment were working in the farm. They landed on water to me and they locked up to me in camper red. Since of this the authority sent that they hung to me in arbol. there took hold those from San Miguel Aloapam to my granddaughter who is called Miriam Cross Alvarez. They took it far to the mount, where it could not return. Since looked for my companeras and one to it of them encontro in the mount.

They took to 5 comrades that were seeding the Pope in the farm. They landed on water them and they jailed them in San Miguel Aloapam.
At this moment three arrived Youth that was taking care of the bulls in the mount and they struck them and they cleared the clothes to them. They escaped and they went to the people to warn people.

dictation by Francisca Perez Montes

In which they arrived YouthI escape to the mount.
Dictation by Francisca Perez MonteAl day siguien

At the following day they arrived people of the ministry I publish and procuraduria general of justice. They raised to the senoras thrown in the ground and they took with the light truck of the community of San Isidro aloapam to them. They took to Etla and we arrived in the deviation of San Miguel Aloapam. Habia two light trucks of policias and already did not let pass. Soon step the Television one. They said that ibamos us to us to declare on which habiamos last. Under the agent of the ministry I publish myself of its light truck and he said, that not declarasemos us to us, because in the light truck a senora came that was in a very serious state. In the end we did not declare ourselves and those of San Miguel aloçapam spoke with the Television channel. We followed with our way. When arriving in San Juan of the State and already it was an ambulance of the Red Cross and they took to the senora Daisy to the hospital in Oaxaca. We, 6 women took to us to declare to the office of the ministry of Etla and we declared ourselves. Soon those came from the CIPO and they took to us to declare again to the office of human rights. Soon we went to the office of the CIPO. To the following day they took us to the medico.

Soon the comrades of the CIPO, speaking with the government, helped to remove the stopped comrades from jail, that before habian transferred from San Miguel Aloapam to the destrito of Itzlan de Juarez Oaxaca.

Text dictated by Celina Perez Cross, Claudia Garcia Cross and Daisy Perez Mendez

We went to the farm to 8 of the manana with the proposito to also work there and in the way we were with comrades that said us that they habian arrived paramilitary from San Miguel aloapam and they are habian taken to the 5 comrades and that they were striking to the senora Francisca. We decided to go.

When we arrived there we asked desperately if they habian taken or killed the senora Francisca, because it encontramos.eramos 17 women and there were not 600 paramilitary of San Miguel aloapam and 5 policias of Oaxaca.

Then the paramilitary ones began to strike to the women peaky, shovels and machetes and threatened to us pistols. They said that if nonregresabamos to the people were going to us to kill and suplicamos we to them not to beat to us because we do not come with the intention to fight to us. What we want is that they do not reforest culture lands. We said that we do not have straight to defend lands because we are women and they said to us that the women are not worth anything.

Although we are familiar of them not us they can nor see. Although they were 5 preventive policias did not support to us, but they supported to the paramilitary ones.

Dictation by Domitila Mendez Cross

At 10 of the manana I arrive a great truck with many women to the farm. Youthhabian warned to us. Habia many men of San Miguel Aloapam with machetes, tips and woods. Arriving we they began to say to us so that veniamos. We said to them: “Venimos to defend our lands, because are cultivated lands. We do not want that you seed these you hoist. To that venimos.”

To 2 of afternoon they began to strike us to all the estabamos women who alli. They stuck so much to 3 women who were thrown in the ground and lost his you drink. We do not know that they did to them exactly. Little Since those went of San Miguel Aloapam. We passed the night alli.

Dictation by Rosenda Perez Cross