CIPO- RFM, Work group
Agrarian problems that the municipality of Santiago Nuyoowith the municipality of San Esteban Atatlahuca and municipality of
Santa Lucia Monteverde has
The community of Plan of Zaragoza but is affected
of the municipality. They are the old problems that the
community has and the authority has not been able to fix these
problems, since the municipality of Santa Lucia Monteverde wants to us
to clear all the land of Santiago Nuyoo and no longer we know by where
to go because already it has muchisimos years that we lived in this
community and now they want to us to clear all the land. Nor the
government has not been able to solve our demands, the people of Plan of
Zaragoza we want PEACE, tranquillity. We do not want war, as
they passed our grandparents, we love that our governor of solution to
our old problems.
On the reel
In our community the reel empezo like October of
1998 in hot climate. The reel came towards costal that
contenia cafe parchment. For that reason we are thinking that
where brings the bags the reel in our communities and until this year
came that we are in 2003.
The reel was distributed in all climates. The reel is
insects that are multiplied much, each female puts around 60 huevos.Y
like cafe is the first product that we sell to maintain our family for
that reason we remained with but hunger. We do not have another
product with but price. For that reason we are publishing that
we are against the reel Here in Plan of Zaragoza Nuyoo. Also we
are publishing on the price that this very low and does not reach
after anything, and our children are in the school, have many
expenses, paid the light, paid taxes and he does not reach after
anything. And same cafe has many expenses, is cleaned, cut,
despulpa, is washed, we dried it and we left to sell it far.
and we do not have anything of government support to attack the
reel. For that reason we want that it supports government 100%
for the con of broca.Y we know well that the government supports to
his cuates and to us the indigenous do not support to us. For
that reason we are publishing.