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CIPO- RFM, Work group

Agent of Municipal Policia, committee de Educacion, Butlers and other commissions that fulfill a position do not have right to a wage. All the expenses we have it to put of our stock market.
When we make celebrations like 30 of April, day of the ninos, 10 of May, day of the madrecitas, 11 and 12 of December, day of Our Senora de Guadalupe and San Miguel Arcangel, it is a great celebration but of the town. All the expenses that take to the celebration or by purchase of refreshments and others Here in the community by uses and customs, there is a gueza, that is, now that I am agent it goes to festejar the 10 of May, an example, all the people who comes to help with grate of refreshments or tortillas to me, but the day that the companero is called on to him to desempenar a position, all money leaves stock-market of.
Then the truth the life of our community is very sad by lack of work, that is, if there is work but they pay very little, as soon as $40 pesos per day, when we found a job in the field. and it does not reach after the education of ours
children and the family. For that reason all the companeros Youthemigrate towards the United States and different states of the Mexican Republica in search of use and many from the times the patterns pay very little and they treat to us as if outside his dogs to be Indian. Nothing but deceives to us.
However the authorities of the municipality do not look for a mechanism to defend our rights like indigenous. To the opposite they are against the CIPO. They do not want to us to support and also I let know to I publish that the resources that arrive at the municipality not distribute it equitably to which it corresponds to each agency.
However they spend the resource as they want, until light trucks walk as patterns and however to the agents do not give anything us for our passage nor for the food when we left any commission.
For that reason I invite to the magonistas comrades that we continue fighting pacificamente. Between all we meet to see the The problems the authorities have of the community.