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The repression against Popular theindigenous Council of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flores Magon" is taken place constantly from in the communities to in the house of the CIPO-RFM in the city of Oaxaca. It represses the government to us, the armed groups, the policias, I exercise, paid gunmen, presidents and municipal agents allied with the government to demand justice by you order them of apprehension against our companeros, resolution of agrarian conflicts, house.
Repression we suffered it of different way, from intimidation of policias and soldiers going to our communities, when to walk in city and as already they identify to us when us they find strike to us, torture physical psychologicalmente to us and, threaten saying to us that single if we did not let participate in the CIPO they are going to us to kill, like example, in the day of fight from the 19 to the 21 of November of the 2001, to demand
fulfillment in the Agreements of
san Andres, not to the Law indigenous de Fox and the breach of the Politicall, juridicas and social demands, before the Camara de Diputados a protest with dots of blood denouncing to Murat was done, governor of the state of Oaxaca, not to respect the human rights.
Day 20, they threatened evacuating to us and to demonstrate to them that estabamos manifestandonos pacificamente the women and the niWe gave white flowers to them and they did not have reasons stops
Member of the organizing meeting
to evacuate to us. An impressive one of anti-riot policias was already prepared operative.
Before all this intimidation they do not win to us, we obtained everything what we set out making our Politicall activities, the press conferences, to coordinate the marches among others.
When seeing that it does not overcome the government, when seeing that it does not manage to intimidate in spite of its multiple threats and intimidations to us, they get angry but and they initiate to investigate the deprived life of the comrades and the companeras that coordinate the activities, for Since to demand them and to intimidate them in the place where they find us. So it is the case when they attacked 600 paramilitary ones in the community of San Isidro Aloapam, the 11 of August of the 2002, when they got to attack our companeras, the paramilitary ones commanded by Cayetano Lopez Santiago and Conrado Garcia Cross.

In all the cases it was let know to the State Commission of Human rights, nongovernmental organizations, national and international human rights among them the Organizacion of United Nations. (it sees "The struggle over land").
In the case of Tanetze de Zaragoza, the crime is arbitrary halting, tortures psychological and illegal exercise of the function publishes to 46 comrades to defend the communitarian project of motor transports. They kidnapped them and them they threatened of which they matarian them and they struck them constantly, that if they did not let trastocar interests of the government every 24 hours, when the lights were extinguished and sounded the bells,
you would estaran killing one by one. The denunciations corresponding to the State Commission became
of Human rights and to the General Procuraduria
of Justice, but this institution desaparecio
: it denounces presented/displayed by our companeros.
I make the Day of Fight of Women from the 8 to the 12
: of May of the 2002, with the participation of 800
companeras, demanding punishment to people in charge of the kidnapping and tortures psychological to our companeros, bell of denunciation at national and international level among others.
To raiz of multiple activities the State Recommendation of Human rights 15/2002 is obtained on arbitrary halting, tortures psychological and illegal exercise of the function publishes,
day 5 of June sending it to the Procuraduria so that it came. Profit the halting of the paramilitary head Jacobo Chavez Tinder, stopping it by abuse of office. It was very obvious that they do not cumplirian with the recommendation since this Mr. is the special envoy of the government to control the zone of the mountain range. Until the moment this recommendation has not been fulfilled. (It sees "FIGHT TRADITIONS")
Always when a companero or companera of the CIPO-RFM stops to him to they do it in the same way: to place in ambush to us, they kidnap to us and they kill; the death threats are but continuous. By via telefonica or in writing, the government is in charge to investigate where we lived and they leave it in our houses, they enter our houses to rob material of information on the CIPO-RFM, in spite of the denunciations and with tests that we have presented/displayed in Human rights, before the Ministry I publish so that justice is applied. They themselves are those that file these denunciations or they disappear them.
The unica way that we have been able to make to resist the injustice is by the force of organizacion and with the international support. We have also managed to dismiss Publicos Ministries of its position, to a civil employee who was applied an administrative sanction to disappear the denunciation presented/displayed by our companeros when they kidnapped them and they tortured in the North mountain range. But single that, since we have not managed that is punished to paramililitares or to dismiss civil employees greater than they give you order them.
Lamentably, in all the cases the mass media do not say the truth. For all the conditions already exposed that reign in the state, we fear for the life of each one of the members of ours organizacion, since the worsened state to in you complete dates the repression
against the social movements, but in individual against ours organizacion since the death threats Continuing, Still like the attempts of halting to our representing companeros.
We know perfectly that towards of a very long fight it is obtained that justice is applied, is why in spite of many upsettings, you would not venceran to us.