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The Repression

The dano but worse than the people San Miguel Aloapam has caused to debilitate the people of San Isidro Aloapam, which the municipality has prefabricated a series of crimes in the year of the 2000 to demand our own relatives who live in San Isidro Aloapam, greater part have demanded and jailed to our authorities, to our citizens who fight gestoria of our agency of San Isidro Aloapam for the well-being and the progress in diverse necessities of the indigenous. The community of San Miguel Aloapam jailed to 5 of our authorities. Everything because the idea of our municipality San Miguel Aloapam to jail to the citizens of San Isidro Aloapam so that it did not obtain the recognition of his agrarian rights.
In date 7 of Julio 2000, 4 of the authorities and the 11 of December to another citizen jailed falsely. We did not think to leave our fight since we are in the right that asiste.En year 2001, San Miguel Aloapam siguio with the process with the exigency to jail to our citizens. In the month of April other people were jailed but, because this also with the proposito to intimidate San Isidro Aloapam.
In November of the same year, in surprise form many in state of ebriedad with an aggressive attitude arrived in a flotilla of trucks with a hundred of people trying to attack our inhabitants of the community of San Isidro Aloapam. But nevertheless our inhabitants kept the respect towards them, so that there is not any problem.
But even in spite of all this, jamas we will be able to leave our earth native, since Here
we were born, we grew and many we have aged, since this fight has approximately 70 years, since San Miguel Aloapam in any moment to wanted to recognize its agency of police that we are the inhabitants of San Isidro Aloapam.
It is possible to mention that during long time the community was with Partido Institutional Revolucionario (PRI) with the proposito to vote to our governors, everything with the yearning from which recibieramos supports gubermental, but never we have received any satisfactory result, were only used like Politicall militants of the party, of those who have gotten to occupy diverse positions in the government.


By virtue of which we did not receive any support in relation of the agrarian subject we had the necessity to ally with Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca CIPO-RFM to fight together like indigenous towns like demanding justice, agrarian recognition, other supports that the communities need.
As first point I fight myself to fight you order them of apprehension and reaprehension of our comrades and profit.
Cuando todavia we did not ally with organizacion any instance of government wants to us to listen.
Continue fighting with organizacion CIPO before the agrarian instances state and as much federal so that our municipality San Miguel Aloapam recognizes our rights to us that legally to us legitimos duenos and possessors of our communal earth correspond like.