By virtue of which we did not receive any support in relation of the agrarian subject we had the necessity to
ally with Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca CIPO- RFM to fight
together like indigenous towns like demanding justice, agrarian
recognition, other supports that the communities need. As first
point I fight myself to fight you order them of apprehension and
reaprehension of our comrades and profit.
When todavia we did not ally with organizacion no instance of
government wants to us to listen.
Continue fighting with organizacion CIPO before the agrarian
instances state and as much federal so that our municipality San
Miguel Aloapam recognizes our rights to us that legally to us
legitimos duenos and possessors of our communal earth correspond like.
Jose Perez Cross
Reason why the people of the municipality of San Miguel
aloapam operate the forest of both communities and they count with
much money. For such reason they buy with money to the employees
of the government by they themselves. They can do that they jail
to us by crimes that we have not committed.