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Our sin is to live far, to where the mestizos call marginalized zone to him, to where our ancestors by the attack of the enemies of our race could take refuge, of which they cleared our earth and those to us that left us in the misery and because they robbed of our wealth and they violated our rights and that until the moment we continued living the consequences like:

- we are forgotten our rights by our federal government since single they remember us, the indigenous, when they need our votes to have publicos positions and to win well and to become rich at night to the manana.

- we are forgotten by our government of the state because for these positions single they arrive
mestizos and do not interest the life to them of the indigenous. Still podran to pass other 100 years and we continued being equal.

- We continued undergoing the racial discrimination already that the programs del single government favor to the friends del government, to those of their party and to which we lived by our traditions and customs we did not receive anything and because we are far to not they do case us and also because we spoke our indigenous language and they make fun of of us. They hate to us.

- We have problems in communication, feeding, house, services as they are: water, light, I telephone, transport, health.

- We far have left our district that is Tlaxiaco to go to the market for that reason we raised our necessities.

The necessities

1. We do not have worthy house, by the expensive thing that they are the materials, even that all we wished to have it, but we are not going it to obtain, since we do not have work that helps us to reach to make savings. Our work is but of cheap also and manual labor because we lived in very distant places.

2. Lack of drainage and latrines to avoid that it is followed
contaminating our town, the water and the feeding.

3. By lack of medicos very followed the ninos and greater people in Santa Maria Yucuhiti by diarrea die, vomitos, fever, disenteria, pain,
of childbirth, ferina cough. For that reason we asked for the construction of a hospital with specialties for the indigenous.

4. We do not take place to concentrate products of
field. For that reason we requested that it is constructed to a market this town and power to sell a little or to make interchange of products.

5. The houses are dispersed and our work of the newspaper makes us undergo much reason why we requested that they support to us with Mill of Nixtamal to save a little time (electrico mill, of manual gasoline and).

6. Our children do not have a place where to entertain itself We need an infantile park for all the ninos, since they have straight even being indigenous.

7. Lack service of I telephone domiciliary since single a house in the community exists and constantly it has problems to be of satellite.

So that all time we are in the same conditions?

We lived in the head of the municipality of Santa Maria Yucuhiti and the municipality counts on but of 18.000 inhabitants and the levels of studies whereupon we counted are: Preescolar, Primary, secondary Tele and Tele baccalaureate. Todavia makes lack a University or a Tecnologico that prepares to Youthso that they respond before many deficiencies that our town lives and also in the ultimos 6 years we have listened of Youthto say that it gives equal to study or not to study because in ours country is much better unemployment and it is necessary to emigrate to others paises and in this community it has approximately like 150 people who of had gotten wet to the United States de Norteamerica.
The basic necessities of the farmers are not covered. They lack tecnicos that orient and they remain to advise to the field so that it produces the montana. And also of which the economica deficiency is very great we do not have cattles, we do not have agricultural machinery, why we considered that we have integral problem since the problems depend one on the other and the conditions of life continue being equal since it makes 40 or 50 years.

So that cafe no longer is our hope?

Cafe gave to green light a time us, when cafe does approximately of 8 to 10 years gave green light us to work with another hope since the kilo of cafe parchment I get to be worth $25 pesos. But it do not last but time but that two years and at the moment its price is of $4 pesos the kilo.
So that we threw our tears? Because we made work that no longer removes from any hardship to us because the process to work cafe is long and invests much money and is necessary to think to execute this activity very well. For example it is necessary to mop up the area to seed the plants, Since is necessary to wait for 3 to 4 years so that it produces and is necessary to continue cleaning to the plants 2 times the year and once it begins to give the fruits the cut is made and the harvest is single once to the year. Despulpa cafe cherry tree, to the following day is washed, it is dried during 8 days to the sun and later it is classified for Since to sell it to $5 pesos like his high price. For that reason we say that cafe no longer is our hope and also that we needed to change another type of worse work we needed another one accessory and other productive projects.


The feeding is the main base of the humanity and in this town mixteco the basic feeding is the corn, rice, quelites, pumpkin. But it follows the diet with many nutritious deficiencies, the undernourishment problem is in a high degree. This is been from the economica deficiency. For that reason one considers that the productive projects must be returned in serious favoring mainly to the field and the farmers and to the ninos.
The water that we took in the pequeWells that there are in the springs also have serious problems of contamination. It is necessary to tube to them so that it arrives at the houses like in the Cities and also constructing tanks of storage so that it favors to a set of people.
In order to cook the women they join its fire in the ground with lena drought to be able to cook the food. This requires of attention and well-taken care of not to burn and mainly the difficult it is to embosom all this to the ninos so that they learn.

Sone that a day traveled by airplane...

... but when me desperte was sleeping mouth above and in my poor ground.
In I only sound disappears our sad reality since during many years we have wished to have way, transport means (cars: light truck, cars, microbus, buses and until airplanes) but lamentably single it is in our suenos since for want of economicos resources we cannot acquire it and what we have discussed is we organized to request and to demand our government who supports to us because also we are Mexican, oaxHerenos, even being indigenous. Also we have right as they have those live in the city but it is so sad to know that until is mobilization until there is pressure, then our average government ears to respond to the necessities and todavia to them with shouts and reganadas and if not until with imprisonment of farmers, murders or kidnappings, since the repression occupies the first place in this state.
There is state of no right for all!