The towns and organizations who we integrated reunited the social and popular movement of Rescuing mesoamericano resistance in San, the 19 Salvador del al 21 of 2004 July, in the V Mesoamericano Forum, we ratified our conviction and commitment continue fighting in all the region by the defense of the rights of our towns. For that reason it is our will to advance in the construction of the popular power like condition to guarantee the self-determination of the towns of the region.
During these three days of debates in different tables from discussion we have stated the ferrea popular opposition that grows as opposed to in all Mesoamerica the neoliberal Politicall and their instruments the ALCA, the TLC, the PPP and the agreements of the OMC --, These Politicall have generated devastating impacts on the towns and the natural resources of the region, supeditando our lives to the logica of the gain and the interests of the transnational companies.
It is evident that the imposition of these Politicall on the part of the corrupt governments of the area, responds directly to the interests of the transnational corporations and a few national companies, in complicity with international the financial organisms like the I.A.D.B., the BCIE and the World Bank.
With vision propositive, in the V Mesoamericano Forum we affirmed the necessity to construct a subject and holds mesoamericano Politicall, which debera to be multicultural and incluyente and with the responsibility to impel our alternatives for the communal property of the towns, cradles in etica principles, justice, fairness and sustentabilidad; in contrast to the project of death of neoliberal Capitalism and his you practice of corruption, lack of transparency and exclusion.
This V Forum Mesoamericano, the celebrated Forums
Tematicos and Sectorial Foros during the month of July in El Salvador,
demonstrates that the social movement and popular mesoamericano is
still on of fight.
Every time they are fortified but the organizations of women, of
Youth indigenous, farmers, of workers and workers and consolidate
this mesoamericana alliance by the defense and self-determination of
our towns.
For that reason, WE DECIDED:
- To prevent the ratification of the Free Trade Agreement Unidos/centeramerica States and the approval of the project of the area of Free Commerce of Americas (ALCA), increasing our the Legislative pressure to the governments, Assemblies and Congresses of the region.
- To maintain and to increase the mobilization of the towns of the region to restrain the imposition of the Plan Puebla Panama.
- To reject the intentions of the governments of the area to negotiate a TLC between centeramerica and the European Union.
- To impel an integral agrarian reform oriented to guarantee soberania nourishing; to say to him NOT to the Privatization of the publicos services, mainly of the water; asi like defending our natural and cultural biodiversity and patrimonies.
- To defend our economicos, social, cultural and environmental rights, with enfasis in the labor rights seriously done violence to by the mHerelador model, specially to the women workers.
- To mobilize to us in against of the expressed institutionalized violence in the feminicidios, etnocididos, genocides and the violence against youth; reason why we declared to “area the mesoamericana region as of Humanitario” Disaster;.
- To fight by the demilitarization and you practice of terrorism that the government of the United States and his allies.
- To push our national and regional projects of development, stimulating integration from the towns based on principles of democratica participation, sustentabilidad, reduccion of the breaches of generica, etarea, etnica, geografica inequality and social— and the affirmation of our mesoamericana cultural identity.
- we supported with the Venezuelan town and its Bolivariana Revolution, with the Cuban town, the people iraki and the Palestinian town; Still as with the fights of the towns of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador and Colombia.
Finally, we make a call maintain the 12 of October like the simbolica date of resistance and alternative proposal of the region alive.
San Salvador, 21 of 2004 July