Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca. Mexico. November of the 2002 THE bullies ATTACK WITH IMPUNITY: beatings IN preperatory school 2Solidarity with demas, is the protection of we ourselfRed Praxedis G. Guerrero, points 1907 By this means we denounced before the student community that the day the 12 of November of the year in course members of the Cultural Group University "Ricardo Flores Magon" (CCU-RFM) brutally we were attacked by numerous a group of seudo students, better known like "bullies", most of these people they do not belong to the institution, nor they carried the uniform, but that if, all armed with stones, woods, tubes, cutting weapons, etc, directed, sly group and paid by coordinated academico the "lawyer" Jorge Lopez Lopez.. In this aggression they were seriously wounded the companeros, Edgar Ivan Perez Gatica, Accept Norberto Rodriguez Juarez, Bright Marcelino Towers Kings, Jorge Gutierrez Cortes, Luis Yeudiel Lopez Martinez, Antonio Villanueva Feliciano, Eulogio Esteban Cross, Oscar Hernandez and along with they several professors who tried to prevent the aggression to (CCU-RFM), among them the administrative coordinator Erasto Gil, as it indicates the penal denunciation: 386(CR)/2002 Happened facts: Being approximately the 5:00 Hrs. P.m. the group of bullies of Jorge Lopez Lopez began itself to reunite opposite inside of prepa, right of the inner door of preparatory the 6, was a group around 70 bullies dirigian people other people's to the institution like (a) the Porfirio, Rene Ciriano (a) the sireno; Jorge Eduardo (a) the toad, (a) the Talia, (a) cedillo, (a) piguis, (a) German and other golpeadores knowing. First they began to stick a to him: Edgar Ivan, Accepts, Marcelino and Jorge, soon left wire drawings bleeding, to go to the halls class of 1. and 2, year where they entered by the force saying to them that nobody put because single they were going to break the mother to him to those of the group "Ricardo Flores Magon". Immediately they entered the bathrooms of men and women and by all sides put themselves to look for those who we integrated (CCU-RFM). Of All sides they went removing to kicks and blows to us, lastimandonos very hard. But also they hurt physicalmente and they offended verbally all student, man or woman, who were to their step. But she burdens of this case is that the director, Shepherd Perez Ignacio and the academic coordinator Jorge Lopez Lopez, saw the aggression and they did not take part, single they ordered to close the door of preperatory school and not to let leave to those of (CCU-RFM) receiving medica attention. also ofrecio to pay to the treatments in a deprived clinica, as long as nondenunciaramos the happened facts to us. By these events and because, previously, habiamos asked for one reunion with the Director, to denounce all the eramos aggressions and intimidations of which object, and to ask for the suspension of classes Fridays not to give continuity to our cultural activities, is that we mainly affirmed that the directors are responsible intellectuals for the aggression to the CCU-RFM, Jorge Lopez Lopez, who day before I threaten of death to the members but known the CCU-RFM if they reply to the direction and seguiamos with our cultural work. But Why as much hatred towards our cultural group university "Ricardo Flores Magon" (CCU-RFM), then to support to other students, to listen to and to make reality its proposals and opinions, be promoting instead of the vice the culture, the study, the academico support an a others, Healthy coexistence without drugs, because it is known that between but cultured we are, but difficult is that they manipulate to us and all this does not please to the direction. Known it is the exito which our projections have had the days Friday of Cinema-debates, the newspaper murals, fanzines informative and that dislikes Jorge Lopez, since it allows that l@s students we become aware from our rights. For that reason, to prevent that they are made the cultural activities they suspend to the classes all Fridays ese is the paper of a academic coordinator) The true students of preperatory school 2 we are scared that hurts to us, because these days we have seen bullies armed in the entrance of our school. Ademas, we know by experience of other students, who have complained against Jorge Lopez, who immediately the retaliate: it disappears files, they reprobate to us in the matters, they clear to us right to examination, etc. For that reason we asked for the authorities take the measures necessary to guarantee our return to the school without the bullies do not return to strike and without the directors affect the classes to us. By all previous l@s integral of the Cultural Group University "Ricardo Flowers Magon" CCU-RFM we made responsible to Jorge Lopez Lopez and Pastor Perez physical or moral Ignacio of any aggression, who we pruned to suffer inside or outside the institution and demanded: 1, Destitution and jail to Jorge Lopez Lopez to have organized, directed and executed the aggression against students and to threaten us of death, Still like jail to the killer known like the "Porfirio" 2, Punishment yet the weight of the Law to the material and intellectual people in charge (bullies and directive) of the aggression who we suffered and who I leave 5 students seriously injured and 3 with minor wounds. 3, Definitive expulsion of the seudo students who participated in this aggression 4, Respect to our rights like university students of free association and expression within our university. 5. Garantias to all the students who organize and participate in educative and cultural activities in preperatory school 2, is or not of the CCU-RFM 6, Measures you will prevent to continue attending the school. ATEE. CULTURAL GROUP UNIVERSITY "RICARDO FLOWERS MAGON" CCU-RFM |