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Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca. Mexico.
5 of June of the 2002

Official notice of Press on the Water massacre Fria, Xochiltepec, Oaxaca

To And The HERMANAS/OS Worldwide
To The ORGANISMS OF Human rights

Our magonista heart cries with the 89 mothers and los/as Ninos/as huerfanos/as and our tears we return them anger to continue fighting.

In this oaxHerena earth, the violation of the human rights, the repression and the violence are a constant, a daily bread for us the poor men. He is not exaggerated to say that to Oaxaca this becoming the kingdom of impunity and the lie of the rich ones that malgobiernan to us.
Days ago in cold Water, Xochiltepec, Oaxaca, Mexico were assassinated cowardly 26 brothers zapotecas, with those who we shared the marginalization, the violence and the forgetfulness. Immediately the word of the Politicall I speak engano and to dummy position of Jose Murat and Vicente Fox. also comenzo jail, "caceria of witches", by part the Procuraduria de Justicia of the State, that Sergio Santibanez, the arrival of many ejercitos in the region heads and words, many words of promises of the governments of Oaxaca and Mexico. Why until today Murat says that there is poverty in the South Mountain range? Por that until today realizes which agrarian conflicts exist? Why lies with so much desverguenza, a Mr. that speaks of the human rights and indigenous to national level?
Before this, as Popular indigenous Advice of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flowers Magon" CIPO-RFM we mean our word: The South Mountain range, is one of the regions where the marginalization and the forgetfulness are elements that added to I narcodeal, I deal of arms; existence of bands of delinquents organized directly bound to the politico chieftainship of Institutional the Revolutionary Party, to traves of the regional delegations of government or the local and federal deputies, etc., has created the propitious climate for the destruction of the social weave of the region who are expressed in violent acts like the happened one in last days, or in the existence of armed movements.
We say that back of the word that does not say truth of the Jose Murat, this the protection that he gives to the regional caciques and paramilitary groups who we have denounced the CIPO-RFM and other organizations, from before, and who today have massacred our brothers of the South Mountain range We thought that it is much chance which in where estrategicos resources exist "intercommunitarian conflicts" are born, murders and the existence of paramilitary groups, or displacements by means of the institutional violence are generated. Everything indicates that this matazon sera the pretext to say that the indigenous we cannot live peacefully in our communities and for that reason they are going to establish Base de Mixed Operaciones (Camping of elements of I exercise and other police bodies)
The contradictions in the investigation and the denunciations that relatives do of the presumed authors of the slaughter, demonstrate the existence of people in charge made, "chivos expiatorios", as measured to take to hide their incapacity and to hide the real causes and is deepened in the search of the true authors, because we are safe live in the palaces of the power and the money.
We called to solidarity with the brothers and sisters who today suffer the pain to see their assassinated relatives, but we do not do it giving a long cushion or a pantry since she made the government of Murat and FOX, but repudiando the violence and fighting with all means to our reach to finish with promoted and sly impunity by present and the previous governments. Let us denounce at national and international level the complicity of the government of Murat and demand justice towards our towns demanding:
  • Investigation of the government of Jose Murat by its responsibility in the sistematica violation to the human rights and by complicity or omission in the recent violent facts that they have cost the life to the 26 brothers of the South Mountain range.
  • Establishment of a permanent commission of observation of the Human rights in Oaxaca, integrated with organisms and personalities of proven moral authority in the area, of international character like national, independent, so that they give pursuit to the violence situation that exists in our state: as one of the forms to avoid that they explode without I number of "red centers" that exist, among them two related to ours organizacion in the North Mountain range: San Isidro Aloapan and Santa Ma. Yaviche. The previous thing by virtue of which the official organisms, state or as much national have shown complacencia with the different governmental Politicall far from guarding by the human rights.
  • Exigency of the material, economica indemnification, along with medica and psychological attention to the relatives of the assassinated ones.
  • Not to let to us enganar by the government of Jose Murat on trasfondo unico of the bloody event, but that sees all the slopes of the same one, including the related ones to the wealth of the region, since the same one is rich in biodiversity, aquifer mantles, forest resources; and one of the deposits of hierrro but important, that it shares Santa Maria Zaniza, with the community of Santiago Textitlan. Still like the important deposits of silver and gold of Santo Domingo Teojomulco. Then in relation to the iron it is known of the concession that maintains the Group Steelmaker of the North and the interest of the transnational reinforced de Espana, all this, we suppose, bound to the Plan Puebla Panama.
  • To the Government of Jose Murat that leaves our brothers peacefully, they or are deads, so that they are not one of his flags to dissolve old internal conflicts between the Politicall class, particularly the one that maintains against the group of Diodoro Carrasco Altamirano, or to obtain greater resources for the parasita class of the state.
  • One stops the repression to our towns, organizations and representatives, Still like the militarization of the state of Oaxaca, that under the pretext of the existence of "intercommunitarian" conflicts are multiplying the establishment of Base de Mixed Operaciones.
    We called to the organizations and indigenous towns not to fall in the perverse game that the government towards of supposed intercommunitarian conflicts generates. We say that Government of the rich ones maintains without solving but of 600 conflicts and with diverse measures he aggravates them until turning them red centers, that by the way are not one nor two: they are 600 agrarian conflicts, but the postelectoral conflicts and the extreme poverty in which we lived but on 169 indigenous municipalities.
By the reconstruction and he frees association of the towns
Together Organizer of the CIPO-RFM

