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18 of 2003 July


To The PEOPLE OF GOOD HEART Anywhere in the world

Solidarity with other is the protection of we ourself
Red Praxedis G. Guerrero, Points, 1907.

The way to the freedom is constructed of the laughter, the wrath, the weeping and the rage of each @ of nosotr@s, of l@s that we say if to the hope and I sound magonista of a world without oprisonerres, soldiers, policias, arms, pumps, jailes, desaparecid@s, perseguid@s, paramilitary, politic@s, egoismos, injustices and authoritarianism. Nosotr@s l@s nin@s, l@s Youth l@s abuel@s, the magonistas men and women we went out once again to denounce to Jose Murat that threatens us of death, it jails to us, it persecutes to us, it commands to us paramilitary, it kidnaps to us, it enters our houses and communities to kill to us, because and powerful, the duenos ones of the money, they have decided that in Oaxaca to demand our rights it is a crime, to take care of to our mother land of the transgenicos and the Plan Puebla Panama a crime; to defend ours soberania and use an aggression; to demand education, health, house, food, etc., to attempt against the development and progress of our state. Now many organizations we have united our silencios to occur voice and to be born the rebellious Guelaguetza that is not the commercial celebration which they have turned it the rich ones but that, guelaguetza is for us: Mutual aid to reject the indigenous law of Fox and to obtain the fulfillment in the agreements of San Andres; solidarity to obtain the 3 senales demanded by the EZLN and to prevent massacres like the one of cold Water; autoorganizacion to prevent the privatization of energia electrica and I refuel and the application of the TLC, ALCA and Plan Puebla Panama.

For that reason, we are demanding:

1. - The freedom immediate and unconditional to Oliverio imprisoned Neri and other jailed unjustly day 12 of July by but of 1000 policias.
2. - guarantees to the life of our companero Raul Gatica
3. - Execution of you order of apprehension to the paramilitary ones
4. - Destitution of Sergio Santibanez, Erick Heras, Jose Manuel Side Saline, Juan Carlos Pacheco to plan, to organize and to execute the repression to the social organizations, indigenous communities, students, punks and of all those that are different.
5. - Solution to the agrarian conflicts of San Isidro Aloapan and San Pedro Yosotato.
6. - Lots for houses in Santa Cruz Huatulco
7. - Delivery of concessions of taxis and buses in Huatulco, Hidden Port, North Oaxaca and Mountain range.
8. - Solution to the social demands of our communities: productive health, house, education, electrification, ways, projects, mass media
9. - Municipal Participation for Yaviche, San Isidro Aloapam and Plan de Zaragoza.
10. - mass media for the communities. In this day we invited to participate with the heart todo@s Herell@s that they fight by justice so that they denounce in the politico judgment all the irregularities committed by the government of Jose Murat; calenda libertaria and guelaguetza are united to rebellious

"by the reconstruction and it frees association of our towns"
Popular indigenous advice of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flowers Magon" CIPO-RFM





Solidarity with others is our self-protection
Red Praxedis G Guerrero, Point, 1907

The path of liberty is made of smiles, to anger, and tears and each one of U.S. says confirms our hope and Magonist dream of to world without oppressors, without soldiers, without police, without arms, without bombs without jails, without disappeared people, without persecution, without paramilitaries, without politicians, without egotists, without injustices and without authoritarianism. Our children, Young people, grandparents, men and women that follow Magonism, go out into the street again to denounce Jose Murat who threatens U.S. with death, who imprisons U.S., persecutes U.S., sends paramilitaries to attack U.S., kidnaps U.S., enters our communities and homes to kill U.S.. This there am does because there am and his powerful associates that luxuriate in the to power of wealth, have decided that in Oaxaca, demanding our rights is to crime; protecting our lands from transgenics and the Puebla Panama Plan is to crime; defending our sovereignty and our jobs is an act of aggression and demanding education, health, housing and food etc is an outrage against development and progress in our state.

Now many organisations have united in their silence to create to voice and give birth to the Rebel Guelaguetza that is not to commercial festival like those that the rich have mutated, but to for Guelaguetza ourselves. Mutual We share support in rejecting Fox's Indigenous for Law and calling the realisation of the San Andres Accords. In solidarity we look to achieve the three signals demanded by the EZLN and to put to end to massacres such ace the one that occurred AT cold Water. For Together we wish self-government to prevent the privatisation of electricity and oil and the application of the Free Trade Agreement, FTAA and Puebla Panama Plan.

Together we plows demanding:

1. - Unconditional The immediate and release of Oliverio Neri and to other prisoners unjustly arrested on 12 July by dwells than 1000 police. 2. - Guarantees protecting the life of our companero Raul Gatica.3. - The execution of apprehension orders against the paramilitary groups operating in Oaxaca. 4. - Dismissal The of Sergio Frank Santibanez, Erick Heras Velasquez, Jose Manuel Side and Juan Carlos Ramirez for Pacheco planning, organising and carrying out the repression of social organisations, indigenous communities, students and all those that plows different. 5. - The solution of the agrarian conflicts in San Isidro Aloapan and San Pedro Yosotato 6. - Housing lots in Santa Cruz Huatulco. 7. - For The delivery of concessions taxis and bus in Huatulco, Hidden Port, Oaxaca and the Norte.8 Mountain range. - Social The solution to the demands of our communities for health, housing, education, roadways, production projects and communications. 9. - For policeman participation the villages of Yaviche, San Isidro Aloapan and Plan of Zaragoza 9. - The pisses of communication for communities.

In this day's journey we invites all those of good heart to participate, those that fight for justice to denounce the Politicall judgement that the irregularities committed by the governor Jose Murat, that they may join to together in a rebel Guelaguetza

Organisational Board of CIPO-RFM
