Bright Sta. of the Oaxaca Way. Mexico 19 of October of 2003 The ASSASSINS FOLLOW LOOSE And PROTECTED BY The GOVERNMENTTo STATE MEANS, NATIONAL And INTERNATIONAL.To The DEFENDERS OF HUMAN RIGHTS Of the WORLD To The OPINION HE PUBLISHES. To The WOMEN And MEN OF GOOD WILL. Four days have happened and the assassins of our Bartolome brother Chavez Rooms follow loose. Badly the government far from punishing to the guilty, looks for to criminalize to the 9 wounded ones of bullet that are hospitalized. With enganos, lies and threats have tried that our indigenous brothers, who in some cases do not know to speak espanol well nor to read, sign declarations written up by the Agent of the Ministry I publish of Ixtlan de Juarez where the happened thing is not exposed but that it is protected to the paramilitary ones. Today forceful tests that the aggression to the CIPO-RFM and community exist planning in high levels of the government of Oaxaca. The office of the State Commission of Human rights by means of which one inquires to him to the Secretary of Citizen Protection Abel Trejo that: armed men were organizing themselves in Tanetze, to attack the population of Yaviche. Also the Solicitor of Justice, Sergio Santibanez and Governor Jose Murat had knowledge so that they took half-full urgent. Nothing became then and nothing becomes until now, To grief that of the communication immediate from the facts to the government of the state, is not but until the dawn of day 17 which our comrades severely wounded are taken care of. Throughout the day 17 our balaceados brothers, walked dancing of clinica in clinica, by means of hospitable transfers, that ponian in risk their health and complicaba localizacion because they dispersed them: to 2 in the Civil Hospital, to 3 in the hospital of San Pablo Huixtepec and to 4 in Ixtlan. Everything has been orchestrated in such a way that it is made see the members of the attacked community and the CIPO-RFM like the violent ones and to the paramilitary ones like white popcorn. The mass media, that are autodenominan independent, present/display what was a brutal paramilitary aggression against the defenseless town, like a confrontation between rival communities, when Images demonstrates the opposite. Meanwhile, the assassins of our brothers, follow free and they allow the luxury to threaten to us by radio, recognizing that are armed. The paramilitary ones of the commanded CROCUT To stop Toimil Roberts, Jacobo Chavez Tinder and civil employees of high level of the Government of the State like Candido Coheto Martinez, Mauro Francisco Mendez, Secretary and undersecretary of indigenous Subjects endorsed by the Government of Jose Murat and Hector Anuar Mafud, estan envalentonados and threaten returning to the community. This is the reality that is lived to newspaper in Oaxaca while the government says that he defends to the indigenous. The unit government-paramilitary is undeniable to the light of the following facts: a) the offices sent by the CEDH to the secretary of citizen protection, Abel Trejo Gonzalez; to Solicitor, Sergio Santibanez, and to others b) to 4 days of to have made the assault of the paramilitary ones has not stopped to any of the assassins, weighs to the existence of direct senalamientos, fotografias that demonstrate the one that we say and to have located the address of the assassins c) To both paramilitary that it stopped the community, the government reporters of procuraduria put them as attacked and it has briefed to them single by threats. d) the pressures of the Agent of the Ministry I publish of Ixtlan and the one of the Civil Hospital so that our wounded signs declarations that have not done and that exonerate the assassins e) The attitude of the Director of Previous inquiries Victor Alonso to block everything transacts in relation to this and other cases, also that it insists on which cannot brief until it receives superior indications f) the silence of the governor with respect to these facts g) the declarations of the Solicitor in the sense that it was a confrontation and the pursuit of the press in single relation to this version, the one of the confrontation between communities. Meanwhile the magonistas we will follow denounced the assassins and their complices, with the long wait in zocalo of Oaxaca that we installed the same day of the crime against us. We will not go away while the criminals follow loose and the civil employees are not punished. We will continue contributing to light and new tests of the barbarism like the photos that can see in: Everything what has happened seems to indicate that are planned actions to try to prevent the accomplishment of the first caravan observation on rights of the Indian towns of Oaxaca and the freedom of the Politicall prisoners who several organizations we are organizing from the 24 to the 26 of October of the present year and that tendra its destinations to San Isidro Aloapam, in the North Mountain range and Hidalgo Union of the Isthmus of Tehuantpec, although now got up a visit to him to Sta. Ma. Yaviche. The Politicall of the government is to maintain silenced our fights and for that reason it wants to prevent the accomplishment of the caravan. We called to all to be pending of which it can continue happening in our state and organizacion to be demanding: 1) the disappearance of the paramilitary groups, Freedom to Oliverio Neri, Carlos Manzo, Luis Alberto Marin and other imprisoned Politicall, also to demand guarantees for the life of Raul Gatica. 2) Solution to the Agrarian conflicts in the state: San Isidro Aloapam, Sta. Catarina Yosonotu, among others 3) Rejection to the commercial megaproyectos and treaties that attempt against the existence of our communities and destroys soberania of the towns 4) Conservation of our forests, taken care of of our rios, lagoons and seas, Still as to recover our forms of traditional culture as it forms to resist to the transgenicos. Therefore we demanded: 1, Immediate destitution of the Governor of the State of Oaxaca Jose Murat, the secretary of Interior Hector Anuar Mafud, and demas smaller civil employees being the promoters of the violence and repression against the indigenous towns. 2, Immediate dismantling of the paramilitary groups that operate in the North Mountain range under the command To stop Toimil and Jacobo Chavez and immediate halting and punishment yet the weight of the law to those who organized, ordered and executed the aggression against our brothers 3, Solution to the demands of the communities of the CIPO-RFM among them:
Kindly. By the reconstruction and it frees association of the towns. By the organizing meeting of CIPO RFM Dolores Villalobos Cuamatzin Leonor Heredia Marin Gomez Rosary Reynaldo Hernandez Fair We requested to send its actions of protest to the following directions: