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Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca. Mexico.
20 of November of the 2002



. Ricardo Flores Magon (RFM) is one of the oaxHerenos indigenous personages who greater contribution has given the national history but that there is a negation of his person.
. Many are the contributions of RFM raised in the constitution, the order delas ideas, the periodistico office, etc., but little it is said of it.
. RFM is one of the personalities that by its attitude, conviction, disposition by justice gives and, the respect to the difference, the women, etc., has been and sera referring and example for many generations of all the economicos levels, of very varied ideologias, but stays a deep ignorance of its work, person and I contribute.
. RFM was also writer and from different printed mass media, with their dignifico pen the office of the media and comprometio with the thousands of readers who tapeworm, but today in day few journalists know him and less stays the commitment with the information to citizenry of which RFM is example.
. Many of the Politicall and ideologicos expositions of RFM, in spite of being exposed do but of 80 years they have great use, although today they are wanted to hide and therefore it becomes necessary to make acts that they summon to the recovery of a so important thought, rich and enlightening like the one of.
. Until today in single day it is known of RFM because the name to a site of taxis is put to him, line of car I transport, union charro, audience or at the most, the one of a school, but in mayoria of the cases is promoted by the authorities, never by the group of the society or the workers as to it had liked and less todavia by coincidence and conviction of its proposal and practices Politicall.
. Finally, if last year one of the powers, camara of deputies federal, of whom RFM rejection in life a pension, agree to put with gold letters the name of RFM in the congress of the union: the common citizens, the oaxHerenos that we have the hope of a world different from the present one, as it wanted RFM to it, we can honor it remember of, without hoping to that the governors clear to ours heroes making monuments or putting their name with the metal that they want.

By all the previous one, who we integrated Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flowers Magon" CIPO-RFM ", it jeopardize not with a name, but with the ideals contributed by individuals concrete, convinced of the use and importance of the thought of RFM, the importance of recovering its attitude, honesty and gives to the causes of justice and the freedom, we have taken the initiative to summon to others so that they accompany appearing again of a thought that is one of the present alternatives.


Recognizing which RFM are a personage who belongs to the world, or at least to all Mexican, and the nonsingle one to one organizacion, a group or sector of the society. Therefore one is to invite to participate the greater one I number of citizens. The idea is to make the participation citizen of way but colloquial, nonsingle subject of the specialists but, from the cotidianidad to obtain that all ask who is? Que did? Why did it? Why is important? For it it is necessary that the housewife, the student, the artist, the profesionista has a direct participation and makes specific. That is to say, one is to cause that its thought recovers, puts to discussion its proposals, in a word, that becomes visible. It is tried then to summon to citizenry so that they give currencies, keys, pieces of copper, etc., in such a way that sufficient material for a statue or bust of RFM can be joined. As one is to be different in everything, it was summoned to make a statue or bust of way different from the common model, for it was invited to present/display proposals with those characteristics. We propose that all process is of the voluntary, material, diseno way and elaboration and the expenses that are required they obtain from citizen contributions. The term that dariamos us is of the 20 of November from 2002 to the 20 of November of 2003.


- To present/display the initiative to a series of citizens who can support this activity and esten arranged to collaborate of any way in comite, advice or as it is called, for the statue or bust of RFM
- To create comite, advice, or as he is called that he carries out the activities
- To spread at all costs and ways the initiative and to invite to participate in collect it of material.
- To quarterly make bimonthly or activities of communication on the activities that committee makes, advances, obstaculos, etc. So that the attention does not decay
- To establish points of storing of the material
- To summon, simultaneamente to collects it of material, to the presentation of proposals of statue or bust
- Simultaneamente to collects and call of proposals of statue or bust, to locate the place for the positioning of the statue or bust, Still like transacting the corresponding permissions, if outside necessary.
- Once covered all the previous aspects to organize the delivery to the people of Oaxaca of the statue or bust of RFM.


- To organize the obtaining of the raw material for the statue or bust
- To invite to the presentation of proposals of statue or bust
- To approve a model of statue or bust
- To successfully obtain and to handle to the resources for the statue or bust
- To define and to be able a site to place the work and to guarantee that it is placed
- To organize the delivery from the statue or bust to the town of Oaxaca


- Seran personages with trajectory of support to the social, indigenous causes, of I generate, etc., as much of, periodistico cultural, artistico, intellectual, social, educative, indigenous the area and a member of the CIPO-RFM

They are had proposed a:
1, Dr To stop Mayoral Figueroa (confirmed)
2, anthropologist Youngest child Maldonado Alvarado (confirmed)
3, Actress: Ana Colchero (confirmed)
4, Profr. Javier Sanchez Pereyra (confirmed)
5, Writer Dalton Daisy (confirmed)
6, Raul Gatica (confirmed)


- the members of committee definiran Since of the presentation publishes of the initiative, in press conference: 20 of November of 2002, to 4 of afternoon, in front of government palace of the state, within the framework of the days of fight of the CIPO-RFM.


Storing centers would be estableceran where the people podran to go to deposit their contribution for the statue or bust. They are had proposed the following centers of storing:

a) House of the Castilian woman "Rosary" (confirmed)
b) Center of Support to the Popular Movement OaxHereno FIELD (confirmed)
c) Section 22 of the SNTE/CNTE (to confirm)
d) Hotel of the teaching (to confirm)
e) IAGO (to confirm)
f) Network OaxHerena of Human rights (RODH) (to confirm)
g) Center of Social Pastoral (to confirm)
h) Local of the CIPO-RFM (confirmed)
i) School of Investigators in Education (confirmed)
j) INAH (to confirm)
k) Museum of Art Contemporaneo de Oaxaca, MACO, (to confirm)
l) Center of communitarian accompaniment CEAC (confirmed)
