P R And S And NT E.
The communities and indigenous towns of Oaxaca and Mexico
have always lived in the forgetfulness, misery and marginalization, in
spite of it are the pillar of the Mexican Nation.
The governmental Politicall in country and particularly in Oaxaca
have not hit favorably in the communities and on the contrary, becomes
serious the violence and criminalizacion against the indigenous
communities, organizations and people who organize themselves to solve
their necessities
One of the indigenous but repressed organizations in all Mexico
and particularly in Oaxaca is Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca
“Ricardo Magon” Flowers; CIPO-RFM, against that has
been used to paramilitary policias of all type and. The balance
from the creation of this organizacion of
communities, 17 of November of 1997, have been:
517 detenidos/as and torturados/as; 103 incursions of I
exercise, police and paramilitary to the communities of organizacion;
81 you order of apprehension by crimes
that they have not committed; 229 penal, civil,
mercantile processes, etc. against
agremiados/as; 37 threats of death to equal I
number of its members; 27 assassinated and 263 lesionados/as of
gravity and, at the moment, one of its known members, Raul Gatica,
lives practicamente hidden by
attempts of murder that has suffered, also Lagunilla
and Morelos Yosonotu, San Isidro Aloapam and Sta. Ma. Yaviche, I
number indetermine of its settlers live displaced on its community
before the fear of being
assassinated or jailed by the unico crime to organize
itself for the defense of its rights like towns.
The 29 of April of 1999 the CNDH emitted to recommendation 26/99
to the government of the state. In June of the 2002, the CEDH
emitio I number 15/2002 and in March of 2004 one but. No of the
recommendations has been fulfilled. Todavia but, the CEDH has
proposed single in this year 4 conciliations to the CIPO-RFM with
the different policias and todavia has the CIPO-RFM 22
complaints to be solved where the violations to their rights like
community are evident, organizacion and individuals.
On the other hand, there are 52 interposed penal denunciations
against aggressors of the CIPO-RFM, in some cases are already ruined
you order of apprehension of the paramilitary ones but one does not
stop to them, on the contrary,
paramilitary they coexist with the police forces in the
communities of Tanetze, San Miguel Aloapam and Sta, Bright Monteverde.
In spite of all these tests the authorities do not make anything
to guarantee the security of their citizens and on the contrary they
threaten repressing them if they show its inconformidad, by the
previous thing to you respectfully we let know:
a) That it is required of its intervention to guarantee
the application of
justice and guarantees for physical, psychological and moral
integrity of
the members of the CIPO-RFM, particularly of Raul
cancellation of you order them of apprehension of the
common and federal law against members
and representatives of this organizacion.
b) That is necessity to take care of the communitarian
reclamations of health, house, use, schools, food, ways, respect to
its mass media and projects like the transport, Still like elaborating a
plan of
integral development with justice and dignity for the
integral indigenous of the CIPO-RFM instead of repressing them.
c) Which we are pending of the treatment and answer that they
give to the indigenous of the CIPO-RFM in the day of protests which
they initiate the month of July of the 2004, whose fundamental demands
are those of justice, solution to
agrarian conflicts, respect to its communitarian
projects: radio, transport type suburban and access to beaches
of Huatulco and Hidden Port, respect to the labor rights of the
democraticos workers of the STSPEIDCEO, rejection to the transgenico
corn and respect to autonomy of the communities.
By I complete we want to express our but high indignation by the
aggression of which the indigenous of this have been object
organizacion then since they initiated its day of pacificas
manifestations in the City of
Oaxaca this 14 of July, have danado to them of the
following way: the 10 of July to 11 at night, were attacked
stabs and hurt of death Edgar Torija Perez, when it stuck posters in
Etla. The 11 of July PRI members headed by Demetrio Villalobos
they evacuated violently to the members of the CIPO-RFM of the house
located in the sector U2-B, apple 6 lot 6, in Sta. Hutulco Cross, in
which they take living from 2001, leaving hurt Felicitos Martinez,
Elizabeth Moon, Juan Diaz, Lopez Assumption, Felix Towers and a
the minors Carolina and Sandra Diaz Hernandez, Still like
Brenda Towers of 8, 6 and 4 year respectively. The 13 of July
paramilitary ones of Bright Sta. Monteverde balacearon the community
of Yucunicuca and assassinated to Pedro Salazar Cross. The same
day policias preventive of the state, on board of patrols 630
and 810 surrounded the community by Sta. Maria Yaviche
to prevent left.
The 14 of July again paramilitary ones of Monteverde, strongly
armed incursionaron in the places “corral viejo”,
“ocote cuate”, “loma larga”
and “cantada”, in the zone of Morelos,
Lagunilla and Yucunicuca Yosonotu and they made firings to these 3
populations. In spite of even existing already a dead
the day of today 17 of July the security has not
appeared publishes to reguardar to the population. But of
everything, sucedio the night of day 16 of July, in the seat of the
Dance of the city of Oaxaca, that had occupied pacificamente by the
CIPO-RFM and where the police to the control of the Lieutenant
Jose M. Vera Saline and Brown Captain ninos Rivas
arremetio old con, women and with lacrimogenos gases, electricos
deafening pumps and toletes to those who of single tenian their bodies
like shield and defense. This I leave like wounded a:
ROLANDO ZEFERINO QUINO, that was removed from the police wall
without sense and until these moments it has not
recovered it and this in observation; ROSEBAY PEREZ CROSS:
perdio the sense of orientacion and cannot speak, this in
observation; ELIZABETH PeREZ CROSS to that I stick in the chest
the deafening pump and hurt key to him this without being able to
speak and in observation; SIMoN YLLESCAS APPLE TREE: this
without possibility of seeing because of gases; FULVIA DOMINGUEZ
FLOWERS TINDER. All the wounded could take to the Civil Hospital
of Oaxaca Since of a strong fight to break through the encirclement.
Senores governing, this cannot continue happening.
To T And N T A.m. And N T E
Gruppe B.A.S.T.A., Muenster, Germany, 24 of Julio 2004