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Berlin/Alemania: Manifestation in front of the Mexican embassy

The 6 of August a manifestation with ca took place. 100 people of
different cities and groups, in front of the Mexican embassy in Berlin.
And the demonstrators protested against the repression in against
of the social movements on the part of the Mexican government.
They demanded the immediate liberation of the prisoners of Guadalajara, the aim
of the violence and impunity. They expressed his solidarity with the fight
emancipatorios zapatista and other social movements.
This week was a "zapatista camping", a politico camping with
to char them, peliculas, an exhibition, an intelligence-gathering post and many
discussions on the zapatista fight.
During their action, and the activists gave the following note of
protest to the embassy:

To the Mexican government
To the government German
To means
To opinion he publishes

Dignity and justice instead of gain and violence!

Coarse of violence and repression against social activists in Mexico!
With the following document we want to express our energica protest
against the repression to social activists in Mexico.
Freedom for the Politicall prisoners in Guadalajara!
During the protests against era summit of heads of government of
European union, Latinoamerica and the Caribbean the 28 of May in Guadalajara
they took place arbitrary haltings of criticas/os of the economica Politicall
neoliberal. The police repression against demonstrators was
extremely brutal. Many stopped testimonies of the 111 informed into bad
treatments and of having been during 36 hours without water and food, Still like
them permitio to have contact with relatives either. Severely woundeds were not
taken care of suitably. Eight lengthy foreigners were deported.
Three of the deported ones assured Since from their arrival to Madrid that were
tortured psychological and physicalmente by the security forces
To the prisoners I extort under threats and tortures to them to confess
prefomulados facts.
We demanded the immediate and unconditional liberation of the 19 people who
they even are imprisoned!
Coarse of violence and murders against social activists!
The 23 of april in Mexico D.F. were assassinated the student Noel Pavel
Gonzalez, activist of the student left and the cooperative
pro-zapatista Smaliyel. Their parents and friends denuciaron the crime like
a politico murder. Organisacion civil zapatista FZLN I inform
day Since that some of their members received death threats.
threats contain an own reference of organizacion
clandestine extreme right-winger "the Anvil", whose activities
in the university they have been increased. According to average local, parts of
this organizacion are infiltrated in the Mexican government.
We demanded the total elucidation of these crimenes!
In Chiapas the local caciques, the government chiapaneco and the government
Mexican they take ahead the fight against the zapatista base, the EZLN and
other competing groups. The 10 of April a pacifica manifestation of but of
4.000 zapatistas in the Zinacatan municipality were attacked with stones and arms of
fire by supporters of the PRD. The PRD is mobilized in this region
against the zapatistas because they refuse to collaborate with the police and
the military. In this attack, According to zapatistas sources were hurt 35
people, some of which they are in death danger. But
of 100 families they had to escape itself by a time.
The 7 of June the zapatista Eduardo Vasquez Alvaro was brutally
The indigenous Chol of 50 anios was killed with several shots in the heat of day
in downtown Chilon by five men and soon by two cars
several times hasty.

We demanded the aim of the repression against the zapatista movement and
total application in the agreements of San Andres!

Also in Oaxaca organizations you criticize the government are victimas of
aggressions. Only the indigenous advice of Oaxaca (CIPO-RFM) that
it fights by "Earth and Freedom", has had to lament three dead and dozens of
hurt in you complete three weeks.
It is enough with the violence against the opposition in Oaxaca!
In Guerrero the caciques and the local government attack the ' municipality
autonomous of Suljaá. Los/las inhabitants of Xochistlahuaca got tired of
oppression and began to exert their natural right to the self-determination.
We demanded the rise of you order them of halting against the twelve
members of the autonomous advice Still like also the respect by his
so important project that it has as puts the good of all.
Coarse of impunity in Mexico!
The kidnappings and sexual murders of women in the city of Juarez
and Chihuahua follows from years eighty and counts to the day of today
with almost 400 victimas. In spite of the official announcements to clarify e
to prevent the murders of women, is investigated from the state of
negligent way. It is of knowledge I publish that the police this
implied in these crimenes, like for example also in extorsion of confessions
under turtura. The relatives and activists who demand justice see
exposed to humiliations and calumnies.
We demanded the elucidation of crimenes and the aim of impunity!
Although they fill the mouth with promises to improve the situation
of the human rights, also the Mexican present government of Vicente
Fox does not have escrupulos in its brutal fight against the social movements!
Social activists who resist to their cruel neoliberal Politicall and
of destruction of the medio.ambiente they are eliminated!
The European Union, and mainly the RFA, takes advantage of economicamente
this oppression and operation in Mexico and are this way specially
person in charge!


For that reason we say today: IT IS ALREADY ENOUGH!
Coarse of repression!
Liberation of the Politicall prisoners of Guadalajara!
Coarse of murders and impunity in the city of Juarez!
Demilitarization of Chiapas!

Not to the Puebla-Panama plan!
Not to the zone of free commerce of americas ALCA!
Immediate abandonment of the neoliberal Politicall!

Solidarity with the Zapatistas and other movements


Dignity and justice instead of gain and violence!
Berlin, Germany, 6 of August 2004
YA-BASTA-NETZ (network already-is enough, Germany)