Report of made activities day 19 of Nov. 2004
Brothers and sisters:
There are been two days working in our tables and today we arrived at the first decisive ones.
The “Margarita cooperative of women Magon”
beginning a exhibition of as they are elaborated artesanias,
looms of waist, wool, threads and fabric. They did it in the
vestibule of the temple of Santo Domingo, of where they also evacuated
the 14 to us of September, but
inspectors and the police that recibio, According to its
saying, you order of the Secretary General of Government, Alonso
Celestine, got to try to prevent that people saw what costs to
elaborate each article that we do.
We said that nonvenderiamos, single queriamos to make the sample
to all the people who happen through those sides, that our cultural
tradition is our arms and that our crime are to defend them.
They threatened us that they go to us to evacuate and we said to
them that better they evacuate to the Walmart de Teotihuacan, that
those if they danaban the historico patrimony, but that there do not
hacian anything. They went away, but we have the fear of which
they evacuate to us late but.
Youthmet to make their factories in the Tree-lined
avenue, a blackboard, leaves, plumones and bed rolls were the
companeros of the dinamicas, the people in his mayoria Youthwho
happened admired that we Youthindigenous tuvieramos forms to think
the problems of our communities, some filmed, other they
took photos us, and in the end they expressed his support and they
were committed to give pursuit of which it happens in our fight.
Afternoon it was received with a cultural program, with
alegria that pronounces scandalous like always and that it bothers
much to the oprisonerres, as much that in reunion of Interior, in the CD
De Mexico, the commissioner by the oprisonerr government of Jose Murat,
it said that estabamos doing escandalo with sound to all
volume and that had many complaints of the retailers, is to say were
angered of our glad rebeldia and obstinate resistance.
Carmen Perez, expresses Politicall, and one of but hurt by the
policia, todavia with the annoyances of its rib hurt with blows
received in jail, I participate with a danceable one, others counted
stories and legend, we touched the accordion and we said this is the
celebration of the poor men who this rich one of alegria.
At night we projected again peliculas, while patrol 1046
of the UPOE with 10 police bodies watched us, another one I number
equal of policias dressed civilian asked the bathrooms comrades that
dirigian Alos the whereabouts of the companero Raul Gatica, but late
in a corporal's round by the streets immediate to the long wait we
found 4 taxis to the entrance of section XXII, place where we do by
the nights reunion of
the base advice. The taxis took to the legend
“Ulises Ruiz, already ganamos”, we approached them
and started, we reached to see that inside they were police with
uniform of the UPOE.
That is to say, now they use taxis like patrols to watch us.
That but they iran to orchestrate for
to attack to us? During all the acts of this day
we let publicamente know that the parade of the 20 of November
noninterrumpiriamos, as we have never interrupted it.
By the reconstruction and it frees association of ours
towns. By the organizing meeting of the CIPO-RFM
Area of connection