Letter of the Swedish Association of Aid to indigenous projects in Mexico 20 October 2004

Insurgent network Culture with Justice 20 of October 2004

Letter to the Mexican authorities of our brothers of ACAT in Espana 8 of October 2004

40 Companies of support (Suezia) 8of October 2004

Kanzlei der Botschaft der Vereinigten 8 of oactubre 2004

Wood letter of the people of cristobal Suereste A.C from San of the houses, Chipas, Mexico. 8 of October 2004

Letter of Light Dove Albarran 8 of October 2004.

Letter of Stephanie Adametz 8 of October 2004

CGT of Miranda de Ebro. 4 ofOctober 2004

Secretary General, Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation - Syndikalisterna 4 of October 2004

Citizen Democratico movement of Michoacan 1 of October 2004

Elke Moeller, Hamburg, Germany. 1 of October 2004

Dean of the University the International of Mujer 1 of October 2004

Student advice of the Superior Normal School of Mexico 1 of Oactubre 2004

Free radio of Santa Cruz, California, the UnitedStates 1 of October 2004

Our Friend Prof. Harald Ihmig 29 of September 2004

Rani of the CGT from Vigo, Espana 28 of September 2004

Movement by La Paz with Justice and Dignity 28 of September 2004


99.1FM Free Frequency. San Cristobal of the Houses, Chiapas. 28 of September 2004

Letter of the Civil Society of Uruapan 28 of September 2004

Letter of the Communist Alliance LIbertaria 21 September 2004

Letter of the CGT Salamanca, Espana. 21 September 2004

Coordinator of CGT-Comision Chiapas 16 of September 2004

Movement Humanist in Guadalajara 16 of September 2004

Traditional authorities of the Mpio. of Suljaá Chiapas, Mexico. 16 of September 2004

Permanent secretaryship of CGT-Andalucia 16 of September 2004

Col.lectiu de Solidaritat amb the Rebel.lio Zapatista 16 of September 2004

Shared in common letter of the Association of Friends and Friends of the Republica Arab Saharaui 16 of September 2004

Shared in common letter Communication network ofMorelos 16 of September of the 2004

Shared in common letter of SERPAL, Service of Alternative Press. 16 of September 2004

One of the repressed ones in guadalajara sends its heart
15 of September of the 2004

To return at Beginning