Bright Sta. of the Way, Oax., September 18 of 2004
Today they turn 72 hours that sent to the different
penitentiaries of the state from 14 from nuestros/as hermanos/as and
104 hours of which they were evacuated, struck and tortured.
For the prisoners for Politicall reasons the treatment in jail
is equal: offenses, insults, aggressions, that are what they
have received our brothers in the penitentiaries:
The 15 of September of 2004 at night,
when entering the penitentiary of Ixcotel:
Kalid Perez Gomez, flood of bruises in the body and with strong
pains has requested him to the medico attention and medicines, but the
impassible one says that it does not have anything and nonslogan its
malaises in the medico registry. The Ministry I publish that it
takes declaration him said to him: you have fiancè? You
are very handsome for meterte in this.
Carmen Lopez Perez, single gives a tablet him in spite of the
recommendation of the CEDHO to receive immediate medica attention in a
hospital. The watchman who the registry said to him:
“tras this door finished derechos” another one
said to him: “que good that already they arrived, horita
we go them to banar”
Brown Miguel Cross: they push it each short while without
reason, say the watchman to him: “Here takes off
Reynaldo Fair Hernandez and Gildardo Perez Gomez says to them to
each short while: “Why puts in pedos chavos”,
“de this does not go to salir”
The 16 of September of 2004 by the manana
We reorganized ourselves in the long wait to 8:30 of the
manana. One remembers that 10 protect the things and the space
and 3 contingents of 30 people move to make activities during the
civico parade without trying to enter, but to go at the end of the
same one.
To 9:30 of the manana attacking military they throw lacrimogeno
gas to a girl of San Isidro Aloapam and to its breast. They
strike to ours hermanos/as, rob the horns, the blankets and they throw
the things to us to eat that teniamos.
The contingents arrived at the church of the Solitude and
Matamoros to 10 from the manana, but already he was everything
blocked: patrols of I journey were in favor of matamoros, I
exercise and those of the military service won the street of Morelos,
in this street approximately to 10:03, two motorcycles and one light
truck of preventive policias, to the jijos shout of “Que of the
chingada one are haciendo” they robbed Rogelio to him
and Gelacio the flags of the CIPO-RFM, kicked them and they cleared
blankets to them, masking-covers, fine cardboards and until his
personal money
This year was no patriotico parade but a military parade
for jerarca old Jose Murat and the one that that wants to impose and
this already making decisions from repression: Ulises Ruiz
Ortiz. All they did it surrounded by grates. It seems to
be that that sera the new form to govern.
All the contingents of the schools tenian in front of them a
contingent of the AFI. The parade was reduced to three streets,
the 1ª. Matamoros to Independence, Tree-lined avenue
and leaves by Guerrero
The greater contingents than acted in zocalo against us
were of the police dressed civilian. To each step that
intentabamos to give Go up the blankets and the few assistants saw
them the parade the policias women surrounded the manifestation.
Nevertheless our placards and messages managed to see
themselves: Mexican to the shout military: not but
repression to the CIPO; a tomb for them of honor:
punishment to the guilty of the repression; laurel for you
of victory: freedom to the prisoners of the CIPO;
masiosare a enemy extrano: unete to the fight of the CIPO.
In the end we sang the national anthem and we raised white
flowers to the police that surrounded to us with the stuck letrerito:
“un shout by justice, freedom to indigenous of the
CIPO-RFM, lives autonomia, dies gobierno” badly; and the
other “libertad to the indigenous prisoners of the CIPO-RFM,
lives autonomy dies the government badly.
All estabamos with tears and singing, the press not creia that
act of dignity, where a hundred of magonistas indigenous surrounded by
hundreds of policia, struck, with lacrimogenos gases, its thrown food,
defeats its blankets and giving flowers to its repressive ones, but of
one escondio with effort its tears. The press conference volvio
finally meeting and tear.
We have struck the body but clean eyes and soul, the golpeadores
olian to licor, tenian the vidriosa glance and the twisted heart.
This act of repression against the CIPO-RFM demonstrates
the coordination between the State and Federal government, of Fox and
Murat, the PRI and the BREAD when to attack poor indigenous it is
tried. This way the state delegate of the PGR Alvaro of the
Angulo Pain and the Ministry I publish Federal Ruben Casanova Medellin
who dirigio the operative one, hermanaron with Jose M. Vera Salinas
and Brown Manuel Rivas (the escort of “atentado” to
Jose Murat) and they competed among them to see who struck but and
left to less injuries in the defenseless bodies of women and ninos.
Although all the police civil employees say that not use the
violence, the tests says the opposite: the offices (0009636)
(0009643) of the State Commission of Human rights of Oaxaca, with date
14 of September of 2004, when talking about to detenidos/as he says:
“ certifico the visitadora one encloses the injuries
that present/display some of ellas” in another one
parrafo, with respect to the measurement to prevent that they turned
the General Solicitor to him of Justice of the State says:
“se offers medica attention to Carmen Lopez Perez and of
being necessary it is canalized to a Medica Institution so that
profesional” offers him medica attention; (sic).
17 of September of 2004
Now the great commerce, authorities PRI members
and all those that are enemy of nosotros/as The compatible
indigenous and to the government, are paying great announcements in
the newspaper ones, the radio and the television so that they speak bad
of nosotros/as, are to us treating about mugrosos, stinking,
brigands and other things, we single continued fighting.
18 of September of 2004
When pensabamos that podia not to go us worse, the
dawn of this day as at 2:10 of the manana they arrived, by all sides,
to the place where they were planted pacificamente, approximately 100
policias dressed civilian in black color, military court, boots,
covers mouths and scarves in the face; armed of rods, knives,
striking the ground that until removed sparks and shouting “Ya
the position chingada” “pinches Indian stinking we
are going to them to break his madre” “donde this
the damned little mocosa of camara and lider puto that tienen”
and they beat to them to all, cleared money, clothes, huaraches,
blankets, blankets, credentials and all their things to them.
Lopez Branches were wounded from this Jovita aggression and
taken care of by the Red Cross of Oaxaca and are missing until these
moments: Lorenzo Baptist of Sta. Ma. Yaviche and Eusebio Chavez
Soriano of San Isidro Aloapam.
He is possible to emphasize that the attacks have all the
characteristic of paramilitary and venian directed by those of always:
Jose Manuel Side Saline; Brown Manuel Rivas, Aristeo Lopez
We went to the Red Cross to be taken care of and to receive the
certainty of injuries but they did not want to give nothing to us, the
agent of the ministry I publish did not want to receive the demand.
The State Commission of Human rights at the moment that I listen
that it was the CIPO-RFM, said that their complaints are not recibian.
All the night we are passing it in candle gathering to the
brothers who were raised in cars of the preventive policia, struck
them and they left them hurt in different points from the city.
Until today we do not have but prisoners, the idea of the
repressive government of Murat is to pretend barren in the day and at
night to strike, to terrify, to hurt, to win. It did not obtain
it, our dignity and justeza of the demands is but great that any
We followed planted in front of the government palace, like
irrefutable test that it is possible to be resisted when dignity is
had. One becomes but great our dignity when but they strike to
us and the injured ones are increased.
The balance from the 14 of September to today is:
EVACUATIONS Of The Long wait: 7
DISAPPEARED: Hipolito Rodriguez Soriano de
Guadalupe Chindua, Lorenzo Baptist, Sta. Ma. Yaviche and Eusebio
Chavez Soriano, San Isidro Aloapam. STOPPED: 14 (Dolores
Villalobos Cuamatzin (together organizer of the CIPO-RFM) Brown Miguel
Cross (together organizer of the CIPO-RFM), Leonor Lopez Alavez (15
years) (together organizer of the CIPO-RFM), Reynaldo Hernandez Fair
(together organizer of the CIPO-RFM), Carmen Lopez Perez (advice of
base of San Isidro Aloapam), Gumaro Lopez Alavez (together organizer
of the CIPO-RFM), Kalid Perez Gomez, Daisy Garcia Garcia (union of the
3 powers), Abacuc Cross Cross (union of the 3 powers), Gildardo Perez
Gomez (CIPO-RFM of San Cristobal Amoltepec), Jose Cross Cross
(municipal agent of San Isidro Aloapam), Abel Ramirez Ramirez
(worker of the Union of the 3 powers), Guadalupe Garcia Garcia
(worker of the union of the 3 powers), Mauro Garcia Garcia.
HURT: 62
PERSECUTED: Elizabeth Perez
Cross, Rosary Perez Gomez, To stop Chavez Garcia, Raul Lopez, Luis
King Matadamas Ramirez, Gabriela Perez Gomez.
AFI, UPOE, Preventive State, Judicial of the
state, Banking Policia, Turistica, Military man dressed Civilian.
OTHER BODIES OF REPRESSION THAT HAVE PARTICIPATED: bullies, drug addicts, bands of cholos.
PEOPLE IN CHARGE OF THE AGGRESSIONS: Jose Murat, Governor; Alonso celestine Alvarez,
Secretary General of Government, Ulises Ruiz Ortiz to whom tries to
impose of governor.
Whatsoever we resisted, we continued resisting.
AID IN COLLECTS IT FOR THE GUARANTEE: deposit his contribution to name of the CIPO-RFM:
BANK: Banamex SUCURSAL:120 COUNTS: 0120 7745177:
CONTRACT: 9032435163
DIRECCIoN: Armenta and Lopez corner Av. Hidalgo
Oaxaca, Oaxaca.
By the reconstruction and it frees association of the
The organizing meeting of the CIPO-RFM that has not
been stopped even
Elizabeth Perez Cross
Rosary Gomez Hernandez
Leonardo Lopez Sarabia
Raul Lopez Diaz