Submit a property report

Use the following form to report information about a vacant property.

For example, to report on 1315 Polk Street in San Francisco, California, 94109, type in "1315" under Number, type in "Polk" under Name, choose "Street" under Suffix, type in "94109" under Zip Code.

You must fill out all fields. If you are having difficulty determining the zip code, you should try looking at some swell maps.

Then describe what you have found under Report.

Street Address:

Number Name Suffix

Zip Code:

Zip Code


Please describe what you have found out about this property.


One does not know who might be using this service, so the I would reccomend that users avoid giving out personal information or detailing one's plans on how to use any given space.

W.A.S.T.E. squat, want squat main page

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