Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca. Mexico. November 20 of 2002 Gases, blows, jail, answer of Murat to those who we asked for 10 minutes of I engage in a dialogSince of five days of pacificas mobilizations in all the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, to ask for answers to demands of justice, social, cultural and Politicall, the members of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flowers Magon" CIPO-RFM we have received like unica answer to our right reclamations: blows and but blows.Although we have insisted on engaging in a dialog the single government responds with the force publishes, Still when pacificamente, in front of palace of government, solicitabamos 10 minutes of I engage in a dialog with Jose Murat and the commitment of not evacuating to ours herman@s of an estate in Huatulco, threw to us to golpeadores to stop. We did not respond to the violence, but that we took hold our hands, in chain form, to avoid that they stopped the hundreds to us of high people, with the short hair, very strong, civilian dresses some with a red t-shirt that decia: "operative special for Monday of the hill" and many others of suit, also of policias of I journey with its sirens to give fear us. Then as they do not podian to take sent us to us the motorcycles and they injured us to several, but but to the brothers Daniel Perez Cross that hurt to him in the leg. Estabamos decided to go in jail or hospital if the Jose Murat did not engage in a dialog and comprometia not to strike nuestr@s herman@s of Huatulco, but with the estabamos clarity that not retirabamos us of the place where. Then, the government, Since to see that nor with blows he managed to us to retire comprometio not to strike to nuestr@s herman@s of Huatulco and to engage in a dialog with us to 6 of afternoon. But the government does not have word and the things that its mouth says do not fulfill, because Since from which it is committed to receive 10 minutes to us and does not desalojarian to nuestr@s herman@s in Sta. Huatulco Cross, fifteen minutes Since of this commitment, in Sta. Huatulco Cross the Municipal police by you order of President Municipal Jose Efigenio Ramirez, with lacrimogenos gases, gun blows and cutting cartridge they evacuated by second occasion to nuestr@s herman@s. The things happened of the following way: Approximately 1) from the 11:00 to 11:40 of the manana confrontacion in the low part of the palace of government of Oaxaca, same occurred that volume receso Since of the commitment of the governor of not evacuating to ours herman@s in Huatulco. 2) To 11: 50, while ubicabamos us to the flanks of the government palace, without knowing it it police policeman to we with violence luxury it evacuated in Sta. Huatulco Cross to us and left 13 wounded ones: Elizabeth Moon, Gladisenia Perez Solis, Lopez Assumption (60 years), Insipid Ofelia Velasquez, Zurita Victory Ruiz, Alberta Hernandez, Juan Diaz, Andres Tinder, Mariana Ramirez Lopez, Narcissus Escamilla Mendoza and Luis King Matadamas. The facts happened of the following way: Since of the violent evacuation in the estate of Sta. Huatulco Cross of yesterday 19 of November to 8 at night, our brothers decided to follow fight today 20 of November and made a manifestation in Sta. Huatulco Cross from the 9 of the manana. Throughout the act, the commander of the municipal police of Jacinto name and another one to which "Benito" called simply were threatening of death our brothers: "we are going to them to break the mother" "is going away them to load the chingada one", "we are not going away to touch the soul to break the mother to them" To 11 of the manana we returned to take possession from the estate that we needed to live. To 11:45 I appear the policia and with death threats and cutting cartridge they put to the estate and without mediating word they said to us: "we have you order of President Municipal and but above breaking the mother to them" "already the position the chingada one" and to 11: 50 beginning the aggression against us where the municipal police I leave wounded us a: Elizabeth Moon, Gladisenia Perez Solis, Lopez Assumption (60 years), Insipid Ofelia Velasquez, Zurita Victory Ruiz, Alberta Hernandez, Juan Diaz, Andres Tinder, Mariana Ramirez Lopez, Narcissus Escamilla Mendoza and Luis King Matadamas. Like a 12: 15, when all hurt our comrades Narcissus Escamilla and Luis king Matadamas went to bring medicines and to a Medico so that it took care of them, in the way I intercept the patrol of 138 along with municipal policia the commander Jacinth and it said to them: "we are going to them to break his puta mother" "do not shake eggs to kill them" sepanlo and avisenle to all deads of hunger of the CIPO-RFM that we are not going to touch the soul to kill them "" we have you order of very above ", immediately afterwards coat the pistol and I aim, without shooting to them to them. 3. - The things at the moment are tense, because when three of nuestr@s herman@s were going to present/display their denunciation against the attacking municipal policias, they were stopped: Elizabeth Moon, Gladicenia Perez Solis and Juan Diaz, exactly in front of the Agency of the Ministry I publish. The things happened of the following way: a) to 3 of afternoon arrived at the Ministry I publish and they solicitd to him that it took his denunciation them, but saw that it was the municipal police platicando with. b) the ministry said to them that they were expected because it was taking a denunciation from the municipal policia. c) To the few minutes arrived patrols from the municipal policia, began to strike them and Since prisoners without presenting/displaying order of apprehension nor nothing took to them. At the moment nuestr@s herman@s are surrounded by the municipal police and we fear that they can be stopped other but. We are sure that all this wave of repression and haltings have to do with the denunciation which we did before the commission of UN experts, on arbitrary haltings that recently visited ours pais. By the previous thing we solicitd: a) measured you will prevent for all the members of the CIPO-RFM in Huatulco b) accompaniment of the human rights to ours organizacion in Huatulco so that they stop the violation of our rights. c) begins process against the municipal president of Huatulco Jose Efigenio Ramirez to violate our human rights. Kindly By the reconstruction and it frees association of the towns By the Organizing Meeting of the CIPO-RFM AREA OF GENERAL COORDINATION RAUL GATICA We are the tenacious enemies of injustice Mobilizations between November 15-20 The government's speech is violence against the indigenous 18 of November of the 2002. |