Official notices
- Letter to the workers of the SITUAM
2 of December of the 2003
- Letter soliciting the intervention of the President of the National Commission of Human rights
2 of December of the 2003
- Letter to the press on the mega marches past 27 of November of 2003
28 of November of the 2003
- We will not be forgotten
25 of November of the 2003
- Enough lies, Mr. Murat!
Letter published integramente in the newspaper
Unomasuno the 25 of November of the 2003
- We go, but also we remain
23 of November of the 2003
- Continuing threats against CIPO
22 of November of the 2003
- To the reclamation of justice... death, the death to the destruction
20 of November of the 2003
- Paramilitary attacks on indigenous communities
7 of November of the 2003
- The assassins remain free, protected by the government
Images of happened the 16 of October in Santa Maria
de Yaviche
19 of October of the 2003
- Stop the massacre in Oaxaca
17 of October of the 2003
- Why we struggle for life when death stalks us
16 of October of the 2003
- Urgent Action: Before the incapacity to give solution to our demands, the government decides on the repression
and the evacuation
14 of September, 2003
- Press Bulletin: Before the intransigencia and the provocation, the imagination of the rebels of
always demonstrate who we are the right
September, 2003
- First report on September activities
6 of September, 2003
- Bulletin no. 1
19 of July of the 2003
- So that we are in zocalo (English version)
July, 2003
- From resistance to rebellion (English version)
18 of July of the 2003
- By justice and against the repression (English version)
July, 2003
- Letter to Jornada: who lies in Oaxaca??
25 of June, 2003
- Precisions to the imprecisiones of the government of Oaxaca
22 of June, 2003
- From resistance to rebellion
June, 2003
- The force of unity
15 of June, 2003
- Persuasion with a pistol: Repression in Murat's Oaxaca
13 of June, 2003
- Do not leave us alone
25 of May of the 2003
- To defend our rights they want to us to kill (Aggression against the house of Raul Gatica)
24 of May of the 2003
- Again in the streets
10 of April of the 2003
- 1a. General assembly of Popular the indigenous Council of Oaxaca "Ricardo Flores Magon"
April 10-14, 2003
- Globalize the hope: Magonista European tour
April 20 - July 20 2003
- The repression against CIPO is more forceful
4 of March of the 2003
- Harassment against the Mixtec community of Plan Zaragoza
18 of February of the 2003
- The poor of the world, we do not have a Merry Christmas!!!
23 of December of the 2002
- Position of the Women's Workgroup of the CIPO-RFM before the First Summit of indigenous Women of the Americas.
30 of November of the 2002
- Gassing, beating, prison: Murat's response to those who solicit 10 minutes of dialogue
20 of November of the 2002
- Construction of a statue or bust of Ricardo Flores Magon
20 of November of the 2002
- The government's speech is violence against the indigenous
18 of November of the 2002
- We are the tenacious enemies of injustice
Mobilizations between November 15-20
November of the 2002
- For defending our patrimony, they want to kill us
September of the 2002
- They decided on war: Our position regarding the resolution of the Mexican Supreme Court
6 of September of 2002
- We did not surrender, We resisted.
14 of August of 2002
- Denunciation from the community of San Isidro Aloapan
12 of August of the 2002
- Denunciation of Jose Murat Casab, Oaxaca state governor
28 of July 2002
- For that they want to kill to me. Official notice of Raul Gatica on the diffusion of the rumor of
its death.
27 of July 2002
- 6 members of CIPO-RFM and various international observers accompanying them were detained and tortured
22 of July of the 2002
- Serious threats against the CIPO-RFM and Raul Gatica.
2 of July 2002
- Press communication about the massacre in water Fria, Xochitepec, Oaxaca
5 of June of the 2002
- Press Bulletin: Mobilization of the women of CIPO-RFM in Oaxaca during May 8, 9, and 10
9 and 10 of May of the 2002
- Letter by the women of CIPO-RFM inviting all to the Mobilization
May of the 2002
- They will not shut us up
November, 2000
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Communitarian information and warnings
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